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"2 down, 5 to go." Gladio smirked.

Gladiolus wielded a great-sword which took out almost everything in the zone of attack. He quietly sneaked up to the soldiers who wielded the same weapon and waited for Ignis' signal who had better visuals on the battlefield. The other 2 rifle-holders and suicide bomber had turned around and began marching the other direction, away from the men's position. This was the best time to strike, therefore Iggy nodded to confirm the safety as Gladio's huge arms lifted as his hands gripped tightly to the thin handle. He let out a battle cry as the metal blade came smashing into the side of the soldiers, causing them to shatter and smoke.

"Hide!" Ignis shouted as the other soldiers became alarmed.

The men ran towards the corners of the doorway created in the giant stone, Ignis took the left and Gladio took the right and they waited there until their pray walked into their trap. The two soldiers walked side-by-side, perfect for the royal men to grab one each and to choke them out. In an instant arms lashed tightly around the silver necks as the men gripped tightly, ensuring that there was no life left in the vessels. The metal bodies slid down the warm skin of both Gladio and Iggy and was about to disappear until the suicide patrol ran through the middle of the doorway. Ignis' quick thinking meant that he used the soldier as protection from the blast and Gladio was on the same mindset.

*Boom* The explosion erupted and the vibrations began to crack the fallen rocks into a deadly game of avoid. Both Iggy and Gladio ripped themselves off of the floor and ran for their lives towards the side entrance as huge rocks came crashing near their living bodies. They were covered in dust from head to toe and had a few extra cuts and bruises to add to the collection. Suddenly, the world around them fell silent again.

"That was a close one!" Ignis sighed.

"Prompto better be worth all of this." Gladio sounded annoyed.

"We need to find answers. He is our friend and we can't let him live like this."

"And to risk our lives?!"

"Yes. if that's what it costs."

"We swore to protect Noctis. Not Damien next door or the glaive and definitely not Prompto! We don't even know who he really is. Noct and us grew up together, in the presence and atmosphere of royalty. Prompto? he has not one drop of royalty inside of him. He's a pointless nobody!" Gladio shouted.

"So now you are basing friendship off of royal connections?"

"No. I am basing how trustworthy someone is if they don't have royal connections."

"Because that makes complete logic. Without Prompto,  we may not have ended up the people we are today."

"Exactly. We would have been months ahead of time and probably in the comfort of our own homes again without Prompto."

"That's not what I meant!" Iggy begins to lose his temper.

"Then what did you mean?" Gladio screams.

"Who is the one that ensures Noctis is truly doing okay? Who is the one that looks out for Noctis when we may actually be doing something more beneficial? Who is the one that lightens everybody's moods? And who is the one that Noctis really trusts, loves and believes with all his heart?...Prompto. It is Prompto, Gladio!" Ignis becomes flustered.

"I want to hear you say that after we find out who Prompto really is." Gladio spits into the grass.

The muscular and annoyed man pushed Iggy out of the way and enters through the hidden entrance on the side of the Kingdom. He rushes on ahead without Iggy as his anger grows stronger. Specs takes a moment to breathe and takes his glasses off of his face, they have a large crack diagonally across the left eye.

Worthless// A Final Fantasy XV Prompto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now