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there are certain days that you are just in a bad mood.

i don't know what it was that set me off this morning, but it ruined my entire day.

i am so lonely.

i think that's it.

even with yoongi visiting yesterday.

i'm still lonely.

and i'm tired.

but not of sleep.

i'm tired of life.

i'm tired of never having things go my way.

i'm tired of being sad.

and angry.

and confused.

what is the point of all this?

i'm suffering.

when will my debt be paid.

i want to be happy.

the real happy.

not the fake smile i put on to get dr. choi off my back.

i want something intangible.

perhaps i never had a grasp of reality.

you're not making any sense.

i know.

i know.

this isn't working.

but you've been doing so well.

why ruin that?

have i really been doing well?


i'm tired of this.

just stop talking!

the voices are too loud.

make them stop!

what's going on?

my head hurts.


do it.

but i can't.

i'll go on watch and i've been doing so well.

do it.

come on, don't you remember how good it felt.

i ran my hand up and down my arm.

it did feel good.

but it never lasts.

where have you been anyways?

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