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"where are you going?"

seunghee rasped out from her position on the couch.

she was cushioned in, sipping from her special drink.

mother made it for her so she would take her medicine to get better.

but she never did get better.

i sighed.

"outside, i'm going to play with nari."

i knew seunghee was jealous that i had made a friend and she was stuck in the house alone with only my mother's company.

but i didn't care.

i wanted to rub it in.

it felt good.

"you never stay in here with me..."

she murmured, quietly, while staring at her water bottle.

she was right.

after i met nari, i was hardly ever home.

i'd wake up early in the morning to eat before heading out to met with nari as the sun rose.

we'd play all day, only stopping for a brief lunch that normally i would pack, making sure i wouldn't have to return home before nighttime.

as much as i felt bad that seunghee had nobody to interact with, i was equally glad.

it was horrible to wish, but i couldn't help it.

"i'm sorry, i have to go. nari is waiting."

with that, i left.

seunghee buried herself farther into the couch and under the blankets, defeated.

i ran the five minute way to the large pasture where i normally met nari.

i didn't know where she lived.

she never told me.

when i asked, she'd go quiet.

then become angry.

i learned that i didn't want to be around an angry nari.

she was way scarier than the demon i was already facing.

"you're late."

nari greeted me as i made it to our normal met-up spot, a large oak tree surrounded by lush grass.

i apologized.

she forgave.

"what are we going to do today?"

i asked after setting our lunches by the tree.

they'd sit there until we were ready to eat them.

"let's go swimming."

she stated before grabbing my arm and dragging me to where the path that was covered in foliage was.

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