It Works!

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The next day telling Steve about our past we headed to New York to get the laboratory ready for him. 

"Are we sure this si going to work dad?" I asked.

"With Steven yes." He replied and I smiled. We were going to change the world and help america win the war. Quickly thereafter Steve walked in lhe looked nervous but seemed ready. 

"Are you nervous?" I asked and he nodded. "It'll be okay we need you to take off your shirt, tie, and hat." He did as he was told and then I put him into the chamber. Dad explaned what would happen and then I gave him a shot of Penicillin. 

"That wasn't so bad." Steve said relaxing a little I remember when I was injected it hurt like hell. 

"That was penicillin." I said and we began. 

"Steven are you okay?" Dad asked he was locked and loaded into the chamber.

"It's too late to go to the bathroom right?" He asked and I giggled taking my place near Howard.

"We will proceed." I said and we got the vita rays up to 100 percent. Our machines began to spark.  Howard cut them off and I grabbed a t-shirt for steve to put on. the doors opened. It had worked! Our serum works! It works! I was so happy.

"How do you feel?" Peggy asked him.

"Taller." He replied and I smiled the observers came into the lab and there was an explosion.  A man walked down and shot my father. a bullet also grazed my side and I bled a small bit.

"Daddy!" I screamed and went towards him.  So did Steve he pointed at Steve's heart and then looked at me. He took my hand and held in his last moments.  I had to do something. I had to help him. I went after Steve but Howard held me back.

"We don't need to lose you too Ellie. Steve can take care it." He said in a hushed tone. "Come on I'll get you patched up." Howard took me to a base where the Colonel and everyone else went during the aftermath. 

"I can't beleive I've lost him my father was the only person I really had left." I said tears running down my face Peggy had come to visit me.

"I know but I need to tell you we're going to England. Colonel Phillips wants you there to maybe help with your powers and do some reconnaissance." she replied.

"I'll come with you and I will fight because that is what my father would have wanted."

"Alright then we're taking Howards plane so I packed your things and some stuff you might want from your father's apartment." 

"Alright I'll be there shortly." I said and wlaked out going to our little brownstone. I went in and took some small things I could always come back here after the war. I took a photo of Dad and myself when we entered the city and I remember that day vividly. I also took my mother's locket. I wouldn't be back here for a good while so I just hoped that I could do what dad wanted me to do and take down Schmidt once and for all.

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