Micheal walked towards Dean, "man, I'm sorry. We didn't think." Dean sighed deeply, "yes alcohol makes people do strange things, but really, this went to far." The couple moved to each other, and Dean glared at the two of them. "You guys sober up. Then apologize to everyone," Dean commanded and walked out of the room.

Meanwhile in Claire's room:

Claire sat down on the chair by her desk and put her head in her hands. "What kind of people do I put up with?" She mumbled to no one in particular. "I keep asking myself that question a lot" Sam said who just walked in the room, carrying a now sleeping Gabriel. Claire turned around and looked at her friend, then she motioned to the blue bean bag in the corner of her room, "You can put him on that." Sam did what she said and sat down on the edge of the bed. (There was no mattress on the bed, that's why Sam didn't put Gabriel there btw.)

"Have Lucifer and Micheal always been like this? If so I'm not interested in being friends with them," Claire asked.

Sam shook his head, "Lucifer has always been a bit of a trickster, but the jokes never got this far. Micheal on the other hand isn't like this, he likes the joking side of Luci, the hair die jokes and fart pillows, those he enjoys, but he barely helps him with them. It surprises me that he did this."

There was a knock on the door and then Dean walked inside, "So I found out how it come they got so reckless. They were drunk." Sam looked shocked, "Micheal, drunk? That's hard to believe." Dean shrugged, "yeah but, I mean, Micheal would never do anything like this if he wasn't drunk. You also know Luci's effect on him so he wouldn't even need to be very drunk." Sam chuckled, "You make it sound like Luci has some kind of control over Mikey." Dean shrugged again.

After a while Lucifer and Micheal walked into Claire's room and apologized to everyone. They understood and after a while of arguing they decided to forgive them. Gabriel on the other hand was still asleep on the bean bag. Everyone decided to leave Micheal and Lucifer alone, so they could talk to Gabriel. Micheal walked over the him and put his hand on Gabe's shoulder. The boy opened his eyes and turned to face Micheal. "Hey Gabe" Micheal said with a soft smile. Lucifer stood behind his boyfriend, "I'm sorry Gabey." Gabriel chuckled, "I told you not to call me that Luce." Lucifer rolled his eyes and kneeled down beside his brother, "Deal with it Gabey."

Eventually everyone went back to Sam and Deans room. Micheal had taken of his shirt, cause it was full with fake blood and because he didn't think about it before, he didn't have another one, so now he's shirtless. "By the way Micheal, you're gonna wear a shirt tonight. I don't wanna sleep with a half naked dude" Claire warned him. Micheal chuckled, "oh honey, don't you wanna have some of these abs." He stood up and spinner around, but Lucifer pulled him down, "Mikey, those abs are only for Satan." Mike rolled his eyes, "fine. Dean can I borrow one of your shirts?" Dean nodded, stood up and grabbed some black shirt out of the closet. "Thanks Mike" Claire said when Micheal put on the shirt. "Claire," Dean started, "when's Jody coming home?" She shrugged, "Probably 3am or something, she has the late night shift tonight." Dean nodded, "okay, giving she ain't gonna be here for another five hours, we can be loud without people complaining." "What do you have in mind?" Luci asked. Dean had an evil grin on his face when he stood up and walked towards the speaker standing on the desk, "music bitches!" Claire chuckled, "we always end up with music don't we." Everyone made a sound of approval and Lucifer went to stand next to Dean. "Okay this are the rules," Luci started, "everyone can choose a song one by one and when there's a song out of the 70s we all have to drink." Dean glared at him, "you aren't drinking, by the way, we don't have alcohol." Luci chuckled, "I wasn't talking about alcohol, I meant Coca Cola." Micheal sighed, "sure Luce, sure." "I'll grab the coke, you guys put on a song" Claire said and walked out of the room.

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