Chapter 3

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Hey gingibers! Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was wicked busy... I had a history day thing, and then my parents bought me like 14 Stephen King/Dean Koontz books... I was almost sobbing I was so excited 


I really like bold and italicized writing together it looks really cool


Follow me on twitter: @saintsofyouth

Enjoy fellow Hustlers

Bree's POV

"... And that's why we experience seasons." My science teacher, Mr. Gale, explained to the class. 

The bell luckily rang as soon as his lecture was over, which led to me grabbing my books with a sigh.

I walked out of the classroom, running into someone. "Watch it, you knob!" I groaned, facing the person. "Alex?" I screeched, my face turning red. "Sorry, real sorry." I spit out, hurridly walking away from him.

"Bree!" Alex called, following me to lunch. That's what sucks, he and I are in the same lunch. "Aubrey! Stop!" He yelled, sending me running towards lunch. "Aubrey Barakat. Stop." He whispered in my ear, obviously caught up to me.

"Shit." I muttered. "What do you want, Alex?" I asked, glancing at my worn, black Vans.

"I wanted to know if you're okay. You fell real hard, are you alright?" He asked, concern laced in his voice.

"I'm alright, Alex. Really." I frowned. 

Alex nodded. "I'd best be getting to lunch, now."

I gave a small grin, pushing past Alex. "Wait." He called, grabbing my shoulder.

"Do you... Um," Alex stopped, blushing. "Do you and your friends want to.. uh." By now, Alex was the shade of Gerard Way's hair during Danger Days. "Sitwithme?" He rushed out.

I smiled. "I'll see if they want to, okay?" 

Alex visibly relaxed, and sighed. "You know where to find me." 

"Yep." I said, popping the p. 

I walked away, heading into the lunch room. Jack, Rian, Zack, Tony, Austin, and Oli waved to me, to which I gave a big grin, skipping over to them. 

" 'Ello love." Oli said, wrapping his arm around me. "Hey Oli." I said, snuggling into his shoulder.

"Need a room, lovebirds?" Zack asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. 

"No, I just missed her." Oli said, frowning.

"Oh yeah, I forgot." I spoke up. "Alex wants to know if we'll sit with him today." 

I looked at Oli for approval. He shrugged. "I'll go if you are."

I looked at the rest of the table.

"I'm staying." Jack said.

Austin, Tony, Zack, and Rian all agreed. 

"Fine, I guess we''ll go." Oli said, standing up. 

We walked over to Alex's table. There were four of the school's whores sitting there; Sydney, Karolina, Maddy, and Alexis.

"Um.. Hi, Alex." I said, interrupting his game of spin the bottle. How they were doing this under teacher supervision beats me.

"Hey Aubrey!" Alex smiled, pulling out a seat for me. He grabbed my hand and led me to the seat next to him, wrapping his arm around me. 

Oli coughed.

"Oh yes, who are you?" Alex asked, confused.

"I'm Bree's boyfriend, Oli." He growled.

Alex's face went white before releasing me from his grip. "Sorry, man. I thought she was single." He trembled.

Oli sighed, obviously pissed off. He pulled out the seat in front of me, sitting down. 

For the next thirty minutes, Oli and I had a nice conversation about everything and anything. This was all while Alex sloppily made out with the girls at the table. 

As the bell rang signaling the end of lunch, I lept out of my seat, grabbing Oliver's hand.

As we walked into the hallway, I stood up on my toes and kissed Oli's cheek. "I'll see you later, okay?" I whispered into his ear.

Oli nodded, walking to his next class. God, why can't school be finished yet?

I dunno what it is, but I feel like this was a longish chapter... Usually mine are like 5 pages or so... Hopefully this one is more.. 

Byee gingibers!

****Somewhere In Neverland -DISCONTINUED****حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن