Chapter 8- Tears + Insults + Threats = Pain

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This is gonna be a bit of a serious chapter...

dedicated to @meghanareddy4278 for the beautiful cover!


We left my house and took a stroll in the park refining the plan. Once it got dark, we all left to our respective houses. I was happy that Ethan and Sophie got along well except for the occasional play fights. Like you know, vanilla ice-cream vs chocolate, pizza vs burger etc. etc. I skipped home and went up to my room. Let me check Insta maybe there is something interesting there.

I opened to my page and I felt like a someone just stabbed me. Cyber bullying? To me? My feed was covered in posts about different rumors about me and a ton of insults. They ranged from simple insults to threatening me. Some even went to the extent of threatening my family!

Karla: Did you actually try to steal Daren away from Katelyn? Wow... Some friend.

Alexis: Omg ya Karla! She tried to steal her boyfriend and then she got bored so she left him for Katelyn.

Katelyn: And to think she was my friend... I feel so used and betrayed... How can people be so... I don't even have words.

Daren: What the hell! You think you can just use people! Me and Katelyn! I was your friend that's it! So that was what you were trying to do! That to my girlfriend! See what I will do to you. You can't get away from me.

Isabelle: So you are the genius who thought it would be totally fine to play a prank on somebody? Take a look what you will get in return... What you sow is what you reap.

Travis: People think I don't have any connection to this. But this is more than just a feud between 2 girls. This will be a fight for independence and to stop childish pranks. And you Amelia will go down.

Jessica: Who do you think you are *beeping* *beep*? Do you just stay with Katelyn so you could steal all the guys. What a...

I couldn't read anymore. Even people who aren't even connected hate me. They don't even want to get to know me. Tears blurred my vision to the point I couldn't read. I wiped them away to see what else was there. As I scrolled down, I saw countless messages saying,

"You're worthless. No-one wants you here.",

"Might as well kill yourself, no-one will notice anyway. And those who do, will be happy",

"I don't know how your family puts up with you. They probably just don't acknowledge your existence."

Am I really that worthless? Does no-one care for me? My parents are never home, maybe they do ignore me. Do they want to get rid of me? Such questions kept popping up in my mind until I couldn't take it.

I felt scared and heartbroken. I didn't know people could be so mean... I didn't even know what to do, so I immediately called Sophie to save me from this. If I could trust anyone it would be her.

I told her the whole story trying not to let the tears get to me. At the end she just said to wait. WHAT? WAIT? But how? I scooted to the back of my bed and hugged my knees to my chest. I rested my head on my knees and fought the tears. I am alone. No-one cares. Maybe my life is worthless. The tears returned. It was my will power versus the tidal wave of distress and pain. Unfortunately, I lost and drowned in the salty ocean of tears.

After what seemed like eternity. The doorbell rang. Forget it. I am not going down in this condition. After a moment my phone pinged. Out of habit I picked it up. It was Sophie. Fine I'll read it. I opened my phone and saw that she was apparently outside the door. Oh... That makes sense, that's why she told me to wait. Maybe she doesn't despise my existence...

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