Chapter Thirteen - The Safe House

Start from the beginning

I watched one figure pace back and forth, passing the window every few seconds. His frame was tense and I noticed his hands were balled into fists, swinging by his side in time with his stride. He was the only one I saw for a few moments until a smaller figure sat at the window. I saw long dirty blonde hair falling behind the figure's shoulders, falling limply against the back. This one was silent, but I figured it was a woman. 

All of my senses were now focused on that small house and the two people inside. The house was sitting in the center of the clearing, the nearest tree several yards away. It hid nothing and almost seemed to beckon me inside. However, my feet wouldn't move. Though I knew this was obviously a safe house, I wasn't intent on barreling inside until I knew I could trust whoever was there. 

I was ripped out of my intense stare when I heard something cracking behind me. I whipped my head around only to come face to face with a man. He had light brown hair and a tall frame, long arms wrapping something close to his body. When his gaze landed upon me he let his arms fall, and I watched as he dropped the various small sticks and chunks of wood that he'd been holding. The wood clattered against each other as it all fell to the ground, sending the noise ringing through the silent trees. I jumped up from my spot and prepared myself to run, but the man quickly put himself in front of me. 

"Samantha?" he breathed, almost in disbelief. 

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who are you?" My voice was hoarse, but it came out strong and demanding. 

"I'm Zane." He moved a foot forward, but I quickly flinched back. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"How do you know my name?"

"Margaret told us you would be coming through here," he spoke slowly, watching me carefully. 

His words registered in my mind and I instantly relaxed. He noticed this and gave a weak smile. 

"Why don't we head inside? We've been waiting for you."

I looked back warily at the house but reluctantly nodded. If Zane was with Margaret, I could trust him.

Zane started moving, gesturing for me to follow. He walked slowly out of the brush and towards the cement building, whistling loudly as we approached. The man and woman inside immediately looked out the window, their gazes landing on me. I tried to look tall and strong, but my weakened body only came across as tired and dead. 

The woman disappeared from the view of the window and came out the side of the building, running towards Zane and I. I stopped in my tracks, watching as she approached me. When she noticed I had stopped, she put her hands up much like Zane had done earlier. 

"I'm Tahlia, Zane's sister. Can I help you inside?" Her voice was sweet and welcoming. 

I didn't notice it at first, but she began walking forward again and reached for my bag. All at once, I relaxed. I let her take my backpack and watched as she slid it over her shoulder before putting her arm underneath mine. She started walking forward, taking my weight with her. I leaned on her fully, grateful for the help. 

The three of us walked to the side of the building and through a small wooden door. Once inside the other man looked me over while walking quickly to Zane. I watched him carefully, though not as warily as before. He was taller than Zane, but not much broader. His skin reminded me of chocolate but his eyes were golden, seeming to pierce through my exterior. If he had hair, it was clipped short enough so that it would not be seen.

He nodded slightly in my direction before turning to Zane, whispering something. I tried to catch what he was saying, but before I could listen in, Tahlia was speaking to me. 

"The house doesn't have any furniture," she gestured to the barren one roomed-home. "so you'll just have to settle for the ground."

She led me to a corner of the room, helping me slide lightly against the stone walls. Now with a full view of the room, I noticed how small it was. It could hardly be called a safe house, as it was more of a single bedroom with a smaller room in the back.

"No bathroom, either," Tahlia started. "You just have to go outside. It's not glamorous, but it'll do," she laughed. 

Tahlia put my backpack down next to my feet before sitting next to me. I smiled lightly at her, though my gaze followed the two men who retreated into the back room. She noticed my gaze and laughed lightly. 

"Enzo is a bit on edge. I'm sure he just wants to make sure you're who you say you are," she spoke lightly. 

I nodded in response, leaning my head against the wall. This was the first time I'd sat down since yesterday, and my body was grateful for the relief. 

Tahlia suddenly chuckled. "You know, we didn't really expect you until tonight or tomorrow. You must have been hauling ass."

I smiled at her again, taking a bit of pride at my hard work. It had paid off. "Thanks. I didn't really stop. Actually," I shifted my weight to look outside the window and the sun overhead. "I don't think I'll be staying too long here, either."

Tahlia's eyes widened. I now noticed her baby-like features, morphing her face into a sweet and innocent expression. The more I looked at her, the more I saw the resemblance between her and Zane.

"Seriously? But, you've got to be exhausted!"

I closed my eyes for a moment. "I am. But, I have to keep moving."

"At least stay for a few hours. We got some wood to start a fire tonight so it will be warm inside. Take a rest and eat a real meal. Your body will thank you for it."

"She's right, you know." Zane's voice met my ears.

I opened my eyes to watch the two men come out of the back room. They looked at Tahlia and I, Zane folding his arms across his chest. I started to protest, but he held up his hand.

"Just rest for a little bit and see how you feel. If you still want to go, fine. But, trust me. You need the rest."

I slowly nodded, taking the three of them in. I shifted my body weight, suddenly slightly uncomfortable. My mind told me they were only helping, but my heart didn't like the fact they were trying to keep me here. 

Zane noticed my sudden unease and raised his arms. "Look, you do you. We're not forcing you to stay. But you should know you won't make it much further without a proper rest."

I slowly nodded. He was right, after all, and we all knew it. 

He smiled and walked to the opposite end of the room, gesturing to the other man while he did so. "This is Enzo, by the way."

I smiled in his direction, and he nodded at me. "Good to have you. Sorry about earlier, we never can be too careful."

"It's fine, I understand."

The two men sat down across from each other, and now each of us was leaning against a wall. It made the house seem even smaller, if possible. I closed my eyes again, trying to calm my nerves. These people were here to help. They were humans. The good guys. There was no reason I should be afraid of them. 


Just another HUGE thanks for all your support! Especially the comments - those things make my day :D I'm already working on the next chapter, so another update shouldn't be far away. 

What do y'all think of the new characters? Can they be trusted?

Where on earth is Samuel? 


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