[41]: Emotional Issues

Start from the beginning

"It's not like I'm going to tell anyone what they look like."

"I know, but I want you to have at least one surprise at the fashion show."

"Fine, but you do realise you have to model your bikini designs for me don't you."

"You need to stop being such a perv Ash, I have a boyfriend now."

"I know you do, but I never said I'd stop being who I was now that you have one." He says grinning at me.


This morning went beyond slow, which I was thankful for and hated at the same time. I was starving and couldn't wait for dinner but time going so slow meant I could perfect each layer of my dress without it being rushed.

I had finally finished the bottom layers now but had the rest of the dress to go. The top part held all the detail so I wanted to get the bottom finished so I could concentrate on that. I wanted to finish this dress by the middle of next week so that I could start making the lads outfits, leaving me with about seven weeks to finish my last six outfits. Those would take up all of my time; I wouldn't be able to do anything until they were completed to my perfectionist standard. I couldn't wait for the fashion show; I think I was more excited to meet the designers coming than anything else I'd ever done.

Mrs Tudor locked the door at lunch as all our work was still in her room; she didn't want to risk sabotage; not only from a fellow classmate but anyone else in the college with a grudge. I'd had my work potentially ruined enough as it was.

"Hey gorgeous." I hear someone say from behind as I headed towards the diner.

It was Seth.

"What the hell do you want? I thought Ash and Elliot told you to stay the hell away from me." I say walking faster. I wasn't sure if Ash had told Tina he knew Seth was behind those messages or not, so I wasn't going to say anything in case it angered him.

"They did, but this is me apologising for what I did to you." He says coming to stand in front of me.

"Well you've said it...sort of, now I need to leave."

"I come baring gifts." He says holding up a gift bag.

"I don't want anything from you."

"But everyone loves presents."

"I don't want or need any presents from you Seth. You've done enough."

"Please Lyd, I'm trying to apologise here. It's only something small but I hope you like it." He says, quickly placing the bag in my hand and walking off.

I take a quick glance inside to see what it was; my curiosity got the better of me. Inside was a box which held a photo frame, an electronic one. I pulled it out to see what it was. You had to fill a memory card with your favourite photos and place it into the slot behind the bottom of the frame; you just plug it into the wall and boom. Instead of just one photo displayed I could have fifty or more of my favourites as they flash through on a real. This was actually a lovely present.

I head over to my locker to place it inside before walking to the diner to meet everyone. I grabbed a quick salad before sitting down next to Elliot; who had just walked in later than normal with Georgia.

"Hey." He grinned kissing my cheek.

"How was your morning?" I ask stabbing my cucumber with my fork.

"Hard, the teacher is pushing us to our limits for this production." He sighs resting his head on the table.

"Aww you poor thing." I laugh at him rubbing the back of his neck. "Anything I can do to make it better?"

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