Last Chapter of When It Hurts

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Probably last Chapter of this story! Read Author's Note for more info!


Adrien didn't want to go home, so Marinette offered him to stay at her place. Her parents allowed, as long as they don't do anything.. They're not allowed to. (Idk how to place that in different words, but y'know what I mean)

"Sleep on my bed." Marinette offered. "I'll sleep on the floor."

"Please, I can't do that. I'll sleep on the floor." Adrien insisted.

"Why don't you two love birds just sleep together!? All your yapping is annoying!" Plagg whined, making the two blush.

"Fine." Adrien gave. He was hesitating of getting into the bed. Marinette faced the wall, trying not to show her blushing face. Adrien slid into the comforters and faced the ceiling. Part of him was super happy to be sleeping with his lady but the other part was super nervous and terrified.

I slid into the comforters, staring at the ceiling. I let out a sigh, thinking of defeating my dad by myself. I didn't want anyone else to get hurt. I look beside me, m'lady had her back facing me, she softly snored as she slept. She looked so peaceful. I'm going to go find my dad in the morning, when no one was awake. I'll have to give Plagg extra cheese.

Looking at the clock, I let out another sigh and slowly drifted to sleep.

I wake up, a sudden weight on my chest. I rub my tired eyes, looking down. I saw Mariette's face, sleeping peacefully. A light burn covers my cheeks, painting them pink. My left arm was around her back, hugging her. Mariette's arms were around me, her hair was flowing behind her head. I didn't know she was this cute until now,or should I say meow? I still funny. I chuckle lightly to myself, trying to untangle my body from her's.

I gently sweep her arm off of my chest, the warmth quickly leaving me. I wake Plagg up, "It's too early!" He complained.

"Wake up, Plagg. We need to find my dad! I'll give you 2 roles of Camembert when we get home~" I say.He jolted up, ready to go.

"Then what are you waiting for?! Let's go!"

"Okay, just gimme a sec." I turn to Mari's desk. I take a small piece of paper and wrote a note. I walked to Marinette's bed, placing down the neatly folded pink paper onto the pillow next to her.  I tuck her in, planting a kiss on her forehead.


I hopped around the Parisian skies, heading home. "Hurry up! I'm starving!!!" Plagg whined.

"Be patient. We're almost there." I say. I heard Plagg huff in annoyance. I role my eyes. I leaped onto my window, opening it. Detransforming, I search my mini fridge for camembert.  "Here."I toss 2 wheels of camembert onto my desk, where Plagg was. He instantly started devouring the stinky cheese.



I woke up, stretching as I yawned. I look beside me, Adrien was gone, in replace of him was a neatly folded piece of paper that had my name written in cursive on it. I unfolded the piece of paper, reading it.

Dear Purrincess,

I went back home to feed Plagg. Thanks for the stay. :D I'm going to stop my dad from using your miraculous for evil, don't worry about me, I'll be careful. Don't tell the others, this is my father and I'm going to stop him. I really owe you for letting me stay at your house. I'll defeat my father and bring you back what's rightfully yours.

Love, Your favourite alley cat,

Chat Noir/Adrien

I can't believe Adrien's going after his dad by himself! I need to tell the others, but I'd go against Adrien then Adrien will never forgive me for interfering with his actions! Then he'll never love me! But wait, what if he gets injured and needs helped? Should I tell the others or no? Ugh! I really need Tikki right now.

After what seems like hours, I finally decided to tell the others, because love or not, I can't let Adrien get hurt. I call a group chat on my phone with Alya, Nino and Chloe.

"Mari, what's wrong?" Alya asked concerned. "You tried calling us like 10 times!"

I explained the letter to them.

"You guys slept together?! Did you do anything?" Chloe and Alya teased.

"WHAT? No!"

"Okay, you guys. That is not important right now. We need to save my dude before he's toast." Nino said.

"I'll meet you all in the park." I instructed.

"See ya."


"Later, dudette."


A/N: Hey, bookwormians! So, this is it. The last chapter of When It Hurts. But not the last chapter of the story! There will be a new book, book 2 of this little series! It will be published next Friday! Thank you all for the support you've given me through this story and thank you for 950+ views and 30+ votes! Sorry for making you suffer of waiting. See you next week in the new book!

When It Hurts | Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic Book 1Where stories live. Discover now