Chapter 7 | Cries

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It's been 3 days since Marinette has been akumatized. Miss Fortune has been loose all this time, the heroes of Paris have been looking for her every night and when they had time. Tonight, the group of heroes are doing patrol and won't expect the surprise.

"How 'ya doing, ladies?" Chat smiled.
"I've been better." Volpina yawned. Queen Bee was looking at her chipped pale pink painted nails, thinking to get them done again. "I'm doing absolutely fine, Chat Noir."
"Have you seen Jade T?" Chat looked around, spotting a green figure in the night skies.
"Sorry I'm late!" He yelled as he ran, "I had something to do with my fam. Have you guys spotted Marinette yet?" The others shake their heads in response. Jade Turtle walks towards Volpina, putting an arm around her shoulder. Volpina looks at him in disgust and casually lifts his arm and walks beside her heroine friend.

The two felines' ears perk up. (IDK if Volpina's a feline I just know that She and Chat have ears, like animal ears)
They heard faint sobs coming from the Eiffel Tower. 'I'm so sorry..' It was a feminine voice, sadness in her tone. The two look at the Eiffel Tower, searching for the girl. There, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower sat a dark blue haired teenager. The tips of her long hair were fiery red, hovering a little bit above her shoulders, like flickering flames. She had a black and red suit, jewels scattered across it. 'I'm so sorry, Chat.' They can hear in between sobs. The two instantly recognize the voice. "Marinette..!" They both gasp.
"What? Where?" QB (Queen Bee) looked around frantically, searching for the girl. "I don't see her." Jade turtle also was looking around frantically, but soon seeing the flickering fiery red hair. Volpina, Chat and Jade Turtle point to the foot of the Eiffel Tower, "Right there, you insect!" Volpina exclaimed.
"Rude." Queen Bee squinted her eyes, attempting to see the girl. "Where is she?" The heroes cock their head to the direction of Miss Fortune. She wasn't there. There was no sad bluenette sitting at the foot of the Tower.

"What!? Where did she go?!" Volpina exclaimed, looking for her akumatized best friend. The group of heroes turn their heads and looked every where. "Let's split up?" QB suggested. The others nodded their heads and turned to a different direction as the others.

🐝Queen Bee🐝
Queen Bee hovered around her designated direction. She scouted around every dark hallway, alleyway, parks, in between buildings, and anywhere you can think of. She sat down on a bench in the near park. "I need to get some beauty sleep after this." She yawned. She sat there for a few minutes, hoping that her legs would be less asleep than earlier. As she stood up to start hovering around the area one more time, she felt someone behind her. She turned around, weapon ready. No one. Little did she know, Miss fortune was right behind her when she turned. Miss Fortune hit her hard on the  back, hard enough for QB to pass out.

🐢Jade Turtle🐢
Jade Turtle leaped on the roofs of the buildings. The turtle went south and chose the quiet part of town. No cars, no owls, no crickets, no people, including no Miss Fortune. When he reached the end of his direction, he decided to do a second round over the area. As he turned, the turtle was knocked out cold by a powder. The last things he saw was a girl not older than him, standing in front of him, staring coldly at his weak, immobile body. Her eyes were engulfed by sorrow but that sorrow was filled with no mercy, just sadness and anger.

The orange fox hovered slowly above the noisy part of town. Car engines were running, car horns beeping through the streets, trains wondering through the area. Her ears stood up, listening. She heard sobs, sobs of a little girl, or she thought. She flew to the sobs, looking through every alleyway, the sounds of cars messed her hearing, but she kept going. There, in an empty park sat a little girl, sobbing her eyes out. She inhaled for air as she cried. Volpina flew down to the park. Her boots touched the soft grass, she walked slowly to the little girl. Kneeling down, she gently rubbed the back of the girl's back. "Hey, are you okay?" The little girl looked up, her bluebell eyes were full of sadness, sorrow and a hint of happiness. "I.. I'm sorry, A-Alya..." The girl said in between cries. Alya finally remembers the bluebell eyes. "Marinette..!" She gasped. Before the fox could react, she was hit hard, passing out. Little did Alya know, Marinette was kneeling beside the limp body, face in her hands and sobbed. Tears dropped down, watering the grass.

🐾Chat Noir🐾
Chat noir looked around his surroundings. He notices that his super hero buddies weren't at there position. "Where are they?" He muttered to himself. The cat landed on to a near by roof, pulling out his baton. He tried calling his partners, no answer. He looked around, seeing his friends tied up before him. The area was full on darkness. No buildings, no roof, no sky. "Well, well, well. Who do we have here?" Chat Noir turned to the voice, seeing Miss Fortune. He held his baton tighter than before. "Looks like your friends are not going to be able to help little minou this time." She smirked, taking a glance at the tied up, screaming heroes. They had gags in their mouth, their legs and arms were bound to a red pole. They muffled words to Chat and Miss Fortune, but not able to translate. Chat noticed his former partner's eyes were puffy and pink, like she'd been crying. Their miraculous' beeped one after another. "Crap." They all muttered to themselves. The tied up heroes struggled trying to get out. "I don't want to fight you, princess!" Chat yelled.
"Awe, little kitten playing pity with me." She gave him a chuckle before attacking. This caught Chat off guard, he almost got caught up in her yoyo, but swiftly dodged it by a few centimetres. *Beep, beep! Beep, beep!* the heroes' miraculous' were beeping. They tried to look at how much time they had left. Volpina having 2 minutes left, Queen Bee 1 minute left and Jade Turtle having 1.5 minutes left. Chat noir had 4 pads left, indicating he had 4 minutes left. He turned around to face his tied up friends, "I'm sorry, but I've gotta run." He gave them an apologetic expression. They nod, agreeing that he should leave before getting caught.

Author's Note:
Sorry for the little cliffhanger. I hope you CatBugs are liking this story so far. Let me know if you'd like a French version, or any language really, for this story. Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote! Thank you! 🐱🐞❤️💚💛💙💜

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