Chapter 2| Sorry

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Hawk Moth had enough of Lila's annoyance. He decided to take the akuma way, since she was no use. She'd try to boss him around to do her work but he was her boss.
"Hawk Moth!" Flustered Volpina. "You need to akumatize someone else! I need help with this!"
Hawk Moth was very annoyed by her orders, " You can make clones of yourself, idiot." he said under his breath.
"Did you say something?" Volpina roared.
"N-no.. actually, yes. I will be taking away your power because you've been such a pain in my back side!" he yelled and took th akuma away from Volpina.

Marinette slept in her room until she woke up refreshed. She was going to be early to school and shocked Alya,Nino and Adrien.She tried to avoid Adrien,as much as possible.. He's been tryring to talk to her ever since the accident but she always walked faster when she's around him. At lunch, Marinette was busy doing her math homework. Adrien was planning to go talk to her and try to ask her why she's been asking weirdly. Adrien walked towards Marinette's table and takes her hand. Marinette already knew who it was and wanted to get as far away as possible. "Hi.. Adrien.." She whispered.
"Please, Marinette.. I'm worried about you." He said concerningly.
"Look, I'm fi-- Mmph!"
The kiss lasted only a few seconds. She pulled away and pushed Adrien aside. She acted like nothing happened. Her eyes were filled with tears and tried to hide them by continuing her math. "Please.." She heard Adrien say, "Please, Marinette.."
"I said I'm Fine!" Marinette accidently yelled. Everyone stared at them in confusion. Marinette blushed like a strawberry and Adrien was a pink macaroon. Marinette stood up and collected her things trying not to show her tears and pinky-red face. She walked outside and cried into her hands. Adrien was about to go after her, until Nino stopped him. "Give her space," He told Adrien. The sad blonde nodded and contined lunch. "He kissed Lila and now he kisses me??!" Marinette cried to Tikki, "I'm going insane,Tikki!"
"Awe,Mari.. Try talking to him, maybe he can answer your questions"
"*sniff* I'll try.."
After school..
|Adrien's PoV|
"A-Adrien..?" A small voice said behind me. I turn to see Marinette who seemed to be sweating. Her face was pale, but her eyes a bit swollen from crying. "Yeah?"
"Could I t--talk to you for a m-minute?" She asks me her head still down.
"Uh.. yeah sure" We passed the park and I asked her, "We just missed the park.." She just stopped, breathing heavily. I saw a tear drop from her face and she kept going. I followed her to another park with fewer people. "I-I'm sorry.." She said crying. "I am s-so-soo sorry, Adrien," she cried into my shoulder. "Why are you sorry? I should be sorry.." She kept crying and crying. I gently shush her as she does. "Tell me what happened." She looked up at me like she was seeing a ghost. "You dont know that you.. you.. kissed.." her sentence trailed off as he cupped her face with his hand wiping away the tears. "You.. kissed Lila.." I froze, kiss Lila??
"What do you mean?? I would never kiss her!"
"You're lieing.. you love her.. I saw how you looked into her eyes.. But why? Why kiss me?" Her tears came rapidly. "You love her, dont hide it from me.. I'm useless, anyway." She discouragly said. I've never seen this side of her before. She stood up and started running. I ran after her but she was too fast. I gave up when she entered her parent's bakery.

"I can't take this,Tikki!" Marinette cried onto her pillow. "How am I going to act with Chat on patrol?!"

When It Hurts | Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora