Separated by a Fence (24)

Start from the beginning

Maya examined the DS with awe, like it was heaven. Then she switched it on, and bounced up and down with anticipation. “This is so, so cool!”

I grinned. “I’m glad you like it. You know how to work it?”

Maya nodded, enthusiastically. “I had a room buddy ages ago, and she had a DS and I watched her play it all the time.”

She sure displayed her immense knowledge of the DS, and pretty soon she was jabbing at the buttons really excitedly. Her eyes looked like they were going to pop out, and her tongue was literally poking out of her mouth.

We talked for a bit more, before I grabbed my phone and decided it was time to leave.

“Hey sorry kid, but I got to head to school,” I announced, standing up and pushing the chair back to its original place.

Maya glanced up, and jutted her bottom lip out. “Now?”
I nodded, sympathetically. “Sorry Maya. But I promise to visit you soon-okay?”

Maya nodded and stuck her pinky out. “Pinky promise?”
I hooked my pinky with hers. “Pinky promise.”

She smiled, and then remorsely shut off the DS and then thrust it to me. “Here’s your DS.”

I grinned. She looked devestated.

“Maya, it’s yours now,” I chuckled. “I’m definitely not gonna use it anymore. So I hardly think that I’m gonna need it.”
Her eyes lit up, and the biggest smile spread across her face. “REALLY?”

I laughed, nodding. “Really.”

She threw her arms around me, and squeezed me really tight. “THANK YOU SO MUCH MONTY!”

I grinned, and headed towards the door. “It’s fine. Oh, and here’s the charger for it, otherwise it’ll be dead and you won’t be able to play it.”
I handed it to her, and she bounced up and down excitedly.

I said goodbye to her, before dashing out. I was really behind time, and I was going to miss period one if I didn’t hurry out of the hospital.

I quickly made my way to the elevator, ducking around people in wheelchairs and people lying on wheeler beds. The elevator was starting to close, and I speeded towards it.

“WAIT! HOLD THE DOOR!” I yelled, nearly running into a little girl and her Mum.

I reached there just in time to catch the face of the person in the elevator, who was jabbing at the ‘close doors’ button. My eyes widened, and I froze.

What was Sam doing in the elevator?

The doors shut, and I stood there, frozen to the ground.

Then I remembered that time when I visited Maya previously, and Sam was in the same elevator. A surge of déjà vu washed over me, and I struggled to catch my breath while waiting for the next elevator to come up.

Why would Sam be in this exact hospital?


I leant my head against the wall of the elevator, sucking in a deep breath.

Thank god the elevator doors closed in just in time. Otherwise it would’ve been a harassing elevator ride down, and she would pester me about why I’m at a children’s hospital. And she would probably be the last person I’d tell.

It wasn’t because the reason I was here, was embarrassing or anything, but I just didn’t really want anyone to know. It was my own little secret.

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