Chapter 5: My person

Start from the beginning

"Breakfast for champs. You're gonna do amazing at this interview Laur"

Lauren kisses her, making Camila smile against her lips. Pouring all she can't say but all she feels into the press of their lips. When Camila rubs softly at her hipbone, holding at her waist, this morning is perfect Lauren thinks.

"Thanks, Camz. Seriously. For everything"

And Camila kisses her deeper back – mumbling against her lips. "I did it for the good morning kiss, duh"

Lauren bites at the older woman's bottom lip. Saying amusedly, "Asshole"

Camila laughs into the kiss, and she feels kind of perfect. Like the older woman is this light that makes Lauren feel like she's floating. Higher and higher and higher, until she can't see the ground.


Lauren got back from her work interview, in a happier note than others. They told her they'd reach out to her, get back with a confirming date on their next interview. Lauren left the building where it was held smiling; hope filing her chest.

Knowing Camila was at work, most likely busy as hell; the younger woman went back to her and Dinah's apartment. Texting the older woman where she was.

Living with Camila was becoming almost...normal. Nice. Like it just worked. But as much as the idea of moving in with Camila sounded, she couldn't leave Dinah without a roommate; plus, isn't that moving way too fast? They're not even dating, but hell even Lauren admits they act like they are.

When her phone dings signally a text from Camila, Lauren smiles at what she reads.

#1sugardaddy: oh! and remember, date tonight. I'll pick you up from your place at 6 xx

Lauren bites her lip, trying to hide her smile as she climbs the steps to her and Dinah's apartment. Shooting a text back as she makes it to her door.

Lo 💕: ok one, change your name you dork.

Lo 💕: and two, sounds perfect :)

"What has you all smiley?"

Looking up from her phone, Lauren failed to notice she automatically opened the apartment door with her key and walked in, finding a confused Dinah on the couch eating popcorn. Lauren simply shrugs, throwing her hand bag on the kitchen counter and humming as she turns to the fridge.

"Hmm? Don't know what you mean"

Dinah frowns, shoving more popcorn into her mouth as she scrutinizes Lauren pouring a glass of juice. Lighting up as she smiles. "You just had sex. You have the glowy after affects of being fucked"

Lauren chokes on her drink. "Dinah!"

The blonde woman looks innocently back, mumbling around her popcorn. "What? Camila seems like she satisfies. Am I wrong Lauser?"

Lauren blushes, mumbling as she raises the cup to her mouth. "I'm so not having this conversation"

"That wasn't a noooo" Dinah sing-songs, making Lauren groan as she puts her cup down.

"Yes, okay? Are you happy?"

Dinah smirks, shoving more popcorn into her mouth. "Knew it."

Lauren sighs, laughing slightly. "I swear I don't know why you love prying into other people's life so much"

Dinah simply shrugs, pausing the movie she was watching finally as she gives the other woman her attention.

"I live off drama Lo, you know this. Anyways, you deciding to grace me with your presence after god knows how long?"

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