Chapter - Twenty

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"Alex. I've called to inform you that Leroy Jethro Gibbs and Timothy McGee have yet to be recovered in Paraguay." Director Vance said.

Those words rang in my head for two months and I just don't know how I've gotten through these days. Maybe it's Abby telling me it's gonna be okay that he's still alive even if I barely believe it. She comes by and keeps me company when she can.

I can't believe my father and my husband. My children's father is gone. I tell them everyday he loves them and that he's coming home soon. At night I'll cry praying that he'll come home to us alive and in one piece.

Abby texted me to rsvp to my request that she and everyone come to dinner. I was making stew and rolls and salad. I wanted a long dinner and some people to talk to.

Abby showed up and Quinn was with her mother. Torres showed up and I started chopping carrots. Ducky wasn't coming and Palmer was with his family. "Torres. Can you set the table?" I asked. Someone knocked. "Abby could you get that?" I asked. She she went and I finished added the carrots to the stew.

"Bethany. Don't forget to wash your hands." I called out. I thought everyone I invited was already here. "Abby who was at the door?" I asked turning around and seeing Tim.

I took a deep breath as I let tears flood my eyes. I walked up to him hugging him. I was balling my eyes out as was Tim with his new beard. "Mommy. What's on Daddy's face?" Bethany asked as she came up to us. Tim picked her up in a hug. "I missed you Daddy." She said. "I missed you too sweetheart." He said and he pulled me closer.

I couldn't believe he was back. I watched Torres grab the pot off the stove and put it on the table. I heard crying. I walked away from Tim and Bethany to make sure he was okay. I walked in his room and changed his diaper. I picked him up and Tim was standing there. "He looks so much like you." I said. I watched Tim tear up again. "Tim." I said hugging him with Jeremy in hand. "Tim. Are you okay?" I asked. "I'm better now that I'm with my family." He said. "I'm gonna give Abby Jeremy and then I'll be back." I said and went into the Kitchen. "Torres. Make sure the stew stays warm and put some on a plate for Bethany and Abby take Jeremy and feed him please. I'm gonna talk to Tim for a while." I said and Abby grabbed Jeremy.

I went back and Tim just slammed me into a hug. "Don't leave me." He said and I embraced the hug. "Never. I love you Tim." I said into his shoulder letting tears fall.

We ate some food after hugging for awhile but not saying much. I held Tims hand under the table and then it was nine. "Bethany get ready for bed." I said and she took her bowl into the kitchen. "I'll be back. I'm gonna put Jeremy down." I said and Ellie talked to Abby.

I laid Jeremy down and Bethany was ready for bed. "Are you going to read me a story?" She asked. "How about your father and I say goodbye to everyone and we'll both read and sit with you." I said and she smiled. "If you pass out we will still read some." I said and she nodded.

I went in and hugged everyone goodbye. Tim hugged me. "Bethany wants us to read her a story. Her favorite so far is Alice in Wonderland or Wizard of Oz. She's very intelligent and she's doing well in school already. Almost like me. We did a scan of Bethany last week and she doesn't have any signs of cancer. She doesn't seem to have my genetics for cancer. Thank God." I said and we sat on both sides of her in the bed.

I let Tim read to her and I passed out. Shortly after Bethany passed out Tim passed out. We were like dominos. One at a time.

I woke up and I got Bethany's lunch and breakfast ready I fed Jeremy. He sat and played and then I got Bethany up. Mom came by for Jeremy as it was Wednesday her day to babysit Jeremy. It helped me a lot.

I woke Tim up and he had to go to the hospital for a work up. I fed Bethany and Tim as they both left me. I sighed and I started making lunch for Tim and me. I have no clue when he'll be back. I want him to drop out of NCIS I'll never say it but I hated feeling empty when he was gone.

I got up when I heard a knock. I opened the door and saw a military personnel. "Miss Gibbs. You are being requested to return." She held out a piece of paper signed by my old commanding officer. "How long until the flight leaves?" I asked. "Two days. He sends regards knowing that your husband has just returned." She put her hand up and I did the same as I watched her walk away. I sighed and went into my closet. I pulled out my rags. I set them aside along my combat boots. I laid down and then after an hour I heard a door shut. "Alex?" Tims voice called out. "In here." I leaned forward. "You okay?" He asked. "I should ask you that. My old Commanding officer has requested me. I have to go. Tim I don't want to leave but I can't decline a direct order. I have two days until I leave." I said and he frowned. "There's some lunch in the fridge if you want it." I said and he shook his head. "I'm gonna go get Bethany from school and take her to practice." I said grabbing my jacket. "Practice?" He asked. "She's started playing the violin. She loves it." I said and Tim grabbed his jacket. "I'd like to come." He said. "I'm sure she'd love you coming." I said as we went.

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