Chapter - Four

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It's been two months with Abby I had been looking for my own place but we grew so close. We had arrangements where I'd shop after work at the NSA. I told everyone I worked at the Whole Foods. I hated lying but they gave me a gun and a badge. Cases that are old and I figure out.

I had gone out for a couple of drinks and remember talking to McGee. What I don't remember is how I got to his apartment. I quickly put my clothes on and stared for a while.

Abby had court date and wasn't happy about it. I had to go to work early so she couldn't ask me for fashion advice. I made sure she didn't know I was gone.

NSA had me on an assignment and the assignment was to go undercover to find some sort of drug lord who travels. I kept my gun in my boot. I packed a bag and left a note for Abby going on an assignment for my job. Fish picking in China.

I had my ticket set for Rome and the drug dealer. I wore a nice dress to the airport and ran into the drug dealer. "I'm so sorry." I said. "Where might you be headed?" The guy asked. "Rome. I figured I needed some time out and Rome was my first choice." I said moving my hair from my face. "Well. Good choice. I'm also going there." He said and I used a fake name Cameron Haynes.

After four months with him I finally found the right picture and him with the drugs. I had the closest NSA agents pick him up to interrogate. When they showed him the pictures he was mad. When they asked about me he wouldn't talk.

I watched as they took him to prison. He never saw me coming. I got on the private plane back and went to NCIS.  I was excited to see them again.

Abby was in the basement in a car. It sealed on her. She started banging on the window and then it was filling with exhaust. I pulled my gun out. "Turn away!" I yelled and she did. I hit it twice breaking the window and turning off the whole car. I ran around to the door pulling Abby out.

I hit the alarm system and McGee, DiNozzo, David and Gibbs were the first out. Abby started telling them what happened and I pulled on some gloves. I went under and followed the exhaust and heard they took Abby to Ducky.

McGee started going through everything five minutes later he started talking about Abby how she found it. "She'll be okay McGee." I said and a thought rang in my head. "McGee I know where the card is." I said and opened the gas tank and pulled out the card. "How did you find it?!" He said happily and hugged me. "This is Otto the auto driving car. I read a report at the NSA a while back. I remembered a to. From it." I said and he went to his computer.

The kill program was on it. McGee went to the elevator and I went to it. "McGee do you remember about four months ago when we were drinking and chatting?" I asked. "Um. Can I get a hint?" He asked. "Nerd talk. Beers. More beers. I woke up in your apartment." I said as the elevator was about to be on Abby's floor. I hit the off button.

"You woke up in my apartment?" He seemed so tense. "McGee. Don't freak out." He started staring and what looked like he wasn't breathing. I gave him a slap on the head. "We.. did we do?" He was confused and freaking out. "We had sex McGee. It's not a big deal." I said and he was just staring at the nothingness.

I slapped the back of his head before clicking the button. I walked out and Abby hugged me. "When I get home you are telling me a whole crap ton young lady." She sounded mad. "Fine." I said and walked out.

I got a call from NSA to go to MTAC. I went and scanned my eye. It opened and I walked in. "You hollered director shepherd." I said and sat next to her. She was watching some old footage.

"I take it your father and the team doesn't know you work for the NSA?" She asked. "No one knows except a few who work in the NSA and well you." I replied. "Keep it that way. I have a job for you. The NSA gave you to me. I can use you as I please. Chicago. Two days kill this man." She told me. "You want me to assassinate a man?" I said. "I want this man dead. He is a terrorist if he doesn't die he will kill more people than nine eleven." She said handing me the file. "Fine." I said walking out.

I went to Gibbs' desk and looked through the file. "Alex. Where have you been?" He asked. "China. Fish collecting. I'm going to Chicago for a game. They pay well." I said and gave him a hug. "Glad your okay." "I'm okay." I smiled and looked at the clock on his computer. "I have to pack and then hear Abby at the apartment." I said and he kissed my forehead.

I packed for a week I looked at the plane ticket. I wrote a letter for Abby if she snooped. It told her that if she missed me then call me. If she keeps snooping I'll shoot her. If I'm missing I have a second note hidden.

The second note said I was working for the NSA and that ever since they've put me on undercover work and Director shepherd gave the assignment. The mans name is Calide Gunia. He's a terrorist and I am being sent to assassinate. 

Abby walked in my room as I hid the second letter under my pillow. "Your leaving again?" She sighed. "Yes. I'm leaving tomorrow. I should be back by next week. So let me hear all about it." I said.

"Where did you go because it wasn't China." She showed my my passport that had the name Cameron Haynes. "Abby I'm about to tell you something but you have to promise me you'll keep it to yourself." I asked her. "Fine." She said. I got up and grabbed my NSA files. "When I started  at NSA they asked me to keep it a secret. I hated the fact I couldn't tell anyone. They sent me on a four month undercover mission where they locked away a drug lord and when I came back Director shepherd. She's sending me to Chicago for another mission. I can't say what it is. It might put you in danger I can't do that to you." I said giving her the files I've done. "I'm going out." I said putting my jacket on and walking out.

I bought a twelve pack of beer and went to McGees. I knocked. "Alex." He looked worried. "I brought beer. Abby is a little bit mad so I decided to leave her alone for a while." I said and he grabbed the beer.

He let me read the new book as a preview. "It's good. I like it. The fact that you added Ava Tibbs as Mcgregors love interest." He grabbed the pages. "Ava Tibbs the store manager. I can't believe that you wrote me as the store manager." I chuckled. "You know if Gibbs saw this he'd be pissed about this." I said and grabbed another beer.

Towards the end of the night I had five beers and felt completely drunk. I took off my shirt and looked at McGee. "You aren't like other guys McGee. I've showered in front of hundreds of men. Each stared and said things about me. You won't even look at me." I said. "Maybe it's because you threatened my fingers." He said making me laugh. "I do that to everyone. I did it to you because I know you would be questioned by Tony about me. If he found out you were in the same bathroom as me. He would pressure you into tell him all about me. I know for a fact that Tony would of done that." I said and he slowly moved his eyes up. "Besides you've seen it all before." I said pulling my hair down.

The rest of the night was a blur. Only remembering bits and pieces. When I woke up I was in McGees arms and it was o six hundred. "McGee. McGee!" I said pushing him off the bed. "What?" He asked. "Your an hour late. I know your always at work by five... I have a flight in two hours." I said pulling on my clothes. "A flight?" He asked.

"I have another Whole Foods emergency. I'll be back next week." I said and grabbed my jacket. I quickly left and went back.

Abby was gone and I had a file on my bed. It was new from Shepherd. I read it over and Calide was in D.C. I spread the papers out and he was seen near Abby's apartment.

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