Chapter - Sixteen

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I went to NCIS with Tim and Tony. After that I was in Abby's lab with Bethany in the carrier or car seat. She was pretty quiet.

I needed some different clothes. I wanted my own clothes. Tim came in the Lab while I was messing with Bethany. "Hey." He said and gave me a peck on the lips. "We got the guy. FBI has been looking for him for months. He's a serial killer. Wanted for several murders." He said. Abby's phone rang. "Alex its for you." Abby said. I handed Bethany to Tim and grabbed the phone.

"Alex McGee." I said. "Miss McGee. I am calling to invite you to the Conrad Gala Tomorrow night." They said and talked about it. "I'll be there with my husband." I said and hung up. "Tim. We are going to the Conrad Gala. Tomorrow night." I said. He shook his head and gave Bethany to Abby.

We went into the elevator and he shook his head. "No. I don't own a tux you know that." He said. "Tim. Please. I haven't been out of the apartment since before I was pregnant. Please." I asked. "Fine. I'll try to get a tux by then." He said making me smile.

"Tim remember last time we were in this elevator?" I said making him smile. "Why? Want to try round two?" He asked starting to kiss my neck. He knew how to make me weak in the knees.

I hit the button and slipped away from Tim with a smile. I went and got Bethany from Abby. I went to the apartment and changed. I fell asleep on the bed next to Bethany.

I got ready for the gala in a nice red dress and took a couple of bottles for my mother. She was taking Bethany for the night. I dropped her off and went to NCIS. I heard Tony talking to Tim and Bishop about Benham Parsa. "Wow." Tony said and then Tim got up. "Did I heard that right?" I asked Ellie. "Um. Yes. But enough of that. You should get going. I mean wow." She said changing the subject and then Tim told me he was going to be ten minutes later.

They took my picture and then I went inside. I met a whole lot of different people. I saw Tim come towards me. "Okay. I'm here." He said and then his phone went off. "Take it." I said. "I have to go outside and get better reception." He told me. "I'll be downstairs." I said and he nodded.

Alexis went downstairs and then there was an explosion. The blast was from a drone strike. Benham Parsa sent it there because most of the navel officers that worked on his case was there. Tim came running in from outside

Alexis had been pinned in the stairs by a piece of wood. An panel covered her face she wasn't found until later that night. She barely had a pulse but they kept her alive. Tim buried himself into work because he didn't know if she was okay.

I slowly woke up in pain. My whole body was hurting. I had IVs in my arms and I looked around. The room was empty but it smelt nice.

The nurse came in she was writing things down and checking my IV fluids. "Nurse." I tried talking. "Don't talk. You just had a breathing tube down your throat." She told me. "Tim. Where's Tim?" I asked. She looked at me. "Your husband. Tim he's fine. I can find him for you." She said and I nodded.

After an hour of worry he came in. He only had a cut on his head. "I have to go soon. Benham Parsa is on a plane to a ship." He said. "Tim. Be careful." I said and he nodded. He gave me a kiss and left.

After ten hours they released me. I left on my terms. I went to my mothers. Bethany was asleep. I laid down in different clothes. Grams didn't ask if I was okay she knew I didn't want to talk about it.

I woke up to crying so I got up and gave Bethany some milk. As time past I healed. Bethany was starting to eat solids and Tim was working most of the days.

The unknown Gibbs daughterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang