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(Alisha's Pov)

"So let's get straight into this shall we?" Commanded my father, a scowl placing on his face.
My mother placed a supporting hand on his shoulder in a comforting manner.

I nodded my head, letting them I know I was ready for the upcoming rage that was about to be thrown my way.

"Young lady! you will be removed from this household, we have already bought your plane ticket for 4:30 am tomorrow morning. You will be flying to an all-girls boarding school in Manchester."

I sat stunned, this was utter bull shit, they can't send me away, can they?. I turned to look at Carter, who looked pale. Seconds later and I felt Carters warm hand cup mine gently, his fingertips grazing over my skin.

"You can't do that!, You can't just send your own daughter on a plane to a far away country, that's completely insane."
Said Carter, venom dripping from every spoken word.

"You have no say in this boy, so keep out of our business and piss off." Spat my mother

After hearing that I was practically being disowned I wasn't in the mood for anyone's shit. And the way my mother was speaking to Carter just set me right off, making my blood rise to a boil.

I stood up from my seating position, still tightly gripping onto Carter's hand.

"You have no right to speak to him that way, Mother!" I said, all but spitting.

My mother raised her hand, connecting it with my cheek.

"That is no way to speak to your mother, I didn't raise you to have that kind of attitude." She said, no guilt radiating off of her.

With the aftershock of her hit, I was flung backwards, into Carter's body, luckily he caught me and himself before we both ended up in a tangled heap on the floor.

Carter looked at me, anger clearly shown in his pupils, but I knew it wasn't directed at me, but at my mother.

"Are you alright my darling?" Questioned Carter, concern shown through his voice and facial expression.
I placed my hand on his cheek tenderly.

"I'm fine, let's just get out of here," I said taking his hand in mine, and without even a glance at my parents, we both walked out of the house, comfortable in each others company.

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