Depths Of The Heart

76 33 15

(Alisha's Pov)

We arrived at a white plastered mansion, at the end of Maplewood Street. The street was fairly quiet, the only sounds heard were the cheeps of crickets.
Carter turned his head, so he was looking at me, he smiled, a real smile, and a bright one too.

"Are you ready?" He questioned holding out his hand for me to take. I took a deep breath and laced my fingers through his. I took a step forward, my feet making contact with the stony gravel path.

I could hear the crunch of Carter's feet connecting with the gravel, as I dragged him along, behind me.

"Carter is that you?" Said an elderly voice.
I looked up to see a frail old, grey-haired women standing with her hands to her mouth, as if in sudden shock. Carter instantly released my hand, as he rushed to the women's side, circling her into a warm embrace. I walked up the pathway after them and stood in silence behind Carter.

"Anya!, Come'e momma?" Carter asked in question, wiping away tears that had fallen down the women's wrinkled cheeks.
"No va bene il mio caro ragazzo." Replied the women.
Carter nodded his head sadly.

"Soo whose this?" Asked the women, whose eyes were fixated on me.
"Anya, this is Alisha, she is a friend of mine, I wanted to show her to momma, then we were going to get something to eat, is that alright?" The women, now known as Anya smiled briefly, before gesturing for us to follow her.

Anya walked towards a small wooden door, that I had only just realised existed. I looked over at Carter, to see him already looking at me, he reached around Anya, who was in between us and grabbed my hand, yet again lacing our fingers together.

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