Surprisingly Comfortable

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(Alisha's Pov)

It has taken us a few seconds to follow the woman Anya, but we soon made it inside with a sudden warmth surrounding us.

Inside the house, the walls were painted a pale white, and a huge diamond chandelier hung from the ceiling.

Carter let me towards a carpeted staircase, his warm hand still in mine, as a sign of comfort, seeing I was feeling a bit uneasy about being in this different environment.

"Carter, where are you going?"
You both turned around to see Anya standing with a raised eyebrows and her manicured hands on her hips.

"Anya, we're going to go see mama we're not going to do what you thought we were going to do." Said Carter is slightly annoyed.

Anya nodded her head in understanding before dismissing herself to go and do some washing.
Carter smiled at me reassuringly and continued up the staircase, pulling me behind him.

We eventually reached the top of the stairs and turned to the right and through a small lit corridor, up ahead was a door, opened ajar.
We stood behind the door for a few moments and waited.
Carter turned in my direction and sighed, taking in a deep breath.

"Alisha, I want you to meet a special person, that I hold in my heart very dearly, and no it's not a girlfriend," He said smirking, I rolled my eyes and let go of his hand, crossing both my arms over my chest.

"Aw babe, don't be like that." Said, Carter, as he poured out his bottom lip, honestly he looked incredibly sexy, but there was no way I was going to admit that to him, no way in hell!.

"Carter, I don't have time for your snarky comments, I feel slightly uncomfortable and your attitude is by all means not helping, I just want to get some food into my stomach, because I'm starving." Carter chuckled lightly.

"I'll get Anya to get you some food, but first you have to meet someone."

I looked up at Carter unsurely before biting my bottom lip.

" Mmm, ok," I said, feeling small flutters erupt in my stomach.
Carter grinned and push the door wide open.

The room consisted of a white paint wash, small furniture and a bed in the very corner, pilled up with woollen blankets and 3 pillows.

I could see a woman about mid-fifties lying atop of the bed deathly pale, I looked confusedly at Carter, not sure what was going on, or why I was here.

Carter looked at me grimly his jaw becoming locked in place.
"Mmmm." I looked around at the moment noticing that she was trying to speak.
Carter saw this and rushed over to the bedside.

"Mama, it's me, Carter, are you okay?" The woman struggled but eventually opened her eyes.

"Carter my baby, is that really you?"
" Yes mama, it's me, and I have someone I would like you to meet, this is Alisha, she's a friend of mine."

"Darling come closer, I want to see the girl that has made my son absolutely whipped."

I stifled a laugh, I officially loved this woman.
Carter rolled his eyes at his mother, before signalling for me to stand by him.

I placed some of my curls over my shoulder and walked up to where Carter was with his mother.

"Oh, aren't you a pretty little thing?" I blushed a deep red.

"Aw look, she's a blusher too, Carter she's a keeper."
Carters cheeks flamed lightly as he mumbled.

"I know, I know."

I stared utterly dumbfounded, here I was, with a famous guy in his house, with his mother, and supposedly now I felt slightly comfortable.
I don't know about you but I no longer feel uncomfortable.

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