Chapter 11

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So the story now has 490 reads meaning that it's only 10 away from 500, which is where I said I'd do a flashback. So let me know what you think about it..(should I do a flashback or not?)

I'm going to try and make this chapter a little longer than they have been lately but after this I probably won't update until it hits 500.

So basically what I'm saying is the next chapter will probably be a flashback.

Also, someone told me I need to "Stop rushing the story and actually add detail." Personally I don't think I'm rushing the story, and a lot of you seem to like it just the way it is. But let me know what you think, am I rushing it?


Carter basically forced me to leave, not even giving me time to say goodbye to Michele. Then again it was his mom and he didn't say goodbye either.

He opened the passenger side door

"Get in." He commanded.

Honestly, I've never been so terrified of him before. Sure he wasn't yelling but his face told me more than his words ever could have. Just by looking at him I could tell he was raging with anger and god only knows what he is capable of.

He slammed my door then walked around to the other side, getting in and immediately starting the car then pulling our of the driveway. His tires slightly screeched because of his speed when he pulled out into the road.

The whole ride home- did I just call it home? It's not home. It's Carters place.

The whole ride back to Carters house was silent. Usually when he drove the radio was on but not this time.

When we finally pulled into his driveway Carter stopped the car but didn't get out. I started to open the door but he reached across me and grabbed my hand.

"We need to talk." He said, sounding calm now.

"Okay..Can we at least go inside or..?"

"Oh..yeah. But when we get in there we need to sit down and have a serious conversation." He said, finally opening the door and getting out.

I'm actually quite surprised that he wants to have a serious conversation, usually it's either us arguing or him being extremely sweet for no reason.

"You coming?" He asked, opening my door.

"Oh yeah sorry..I was just thinking."

We walked inside to find Zach, Alex, and Robert sitting there gathered around the tv playing some video game, what a surprise..only not really.

I'm not even sure that any of the boys noticed us because they didn't take their focus off the game, not even for a second.

We went straight to Carters room and sat on his bed.

"Why'd you go through my stuff?" He asked the second we sat on the bed.

"Like I said, I want to know more about you but you never tell me anything."

"I don't care. That doesn't give you the right to go through my things." His voice still sounded calm but I could tell he was actually no where near calm.

"I know Carter. I'm sorry."

"What all did you see?" He ignored my attempted apology.

"Just the notebook."

"How much of the notebook?"

"A little of the first song." I looked down at the bed. I don't know why but I felt..I don't even know how I felt. Guilty maybe? I mean yes I was going through his stuff but only because he won't tell me anything.

"That song sucked I know. I'm sor-"

I cut him off.

"Carter don't every say anything like that every again! It was an amazing song and I'm sure you're an amazing singer I don't ever want to hear you say anything bad about yourself ever again." I told him, now looking up from the bed and straight into his eyes.

"It wasn't an amazing song, and I'm not even close to a good singer let alone an amazing one. You barely know me, how can you say all of this about me when we hardly even know anything about each other!?"

"Stop! I don't care how long we've known each other! You need have self confidence because you are-"

He cut me off by crashing his lips into mine. At that moment it felt like everything else in the world was irrelevant. Him and I were the only things that seemed to matter right now. Any bit of doubt I had about us was just gone. In that moment I knew exactly what I wanted. Him.


So like I said I probably won't update until it hits 500 reads(if it doesn't get up to 500 in the next two days or so then I will update but I'm just gonna wait and see..) Anyway let me know what you thought!

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