Carter Mahone

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BEFORE YOU READ: I just want you all to understand something, people have told me the beginning of this seems rushed. Its supposed to..everything in the beginning of this happens so fast for Ali, it isn't rushed because of my writing, its rushed because thats how I wanted it to seem for the first couple of chapters. With that said, enjoy.


I started walking home from the mall just as it was staring to get dark, I'm the type of person who watches a lot of horror movies so every time I hear the littlest noise when it's dark out I get all paranoid, but my house isn't far so I decided to walk instead of calling my mom to come pick me up. Just as I turned the corner that is about two blocks from my house I heard a really strange noise. It sounded like someone was behind me but no one's out here at this time of the night, not in the middle of winter. I just kept walking, its probably just your imagination. I told myself, trying to calm down.

Then it happened.

Someone grabbed me, covering my mouth and holding something to my that a knife?

"Don't. Say. Anything." he whispered in my ear. "Come with me, and I promise nothing bad will happen to you." He began walking and dragging me along with him. Maybe I should have tried to scream or something the minute I heard him..someone would have heard me with all these houses around, but now hes covering my mouth and its too late.

We walked for a little bit before we came up to this old, abandoned looking house. The porch was caving in, paint peeling off the sides, windows were smashed, it looked like the whole thing could collapse at any second. He pushed me up the steps to the porch and through the door. When we got inside there was a long hall and at the end a light was on in one of the rooms. He made me walk in front of him and told me to go to the room with the light. As we got closer I could hear what sounded like people talking just above a whisper.

When we got to the room I noticed there were 3 guys in there and an empty chair, probably for whoever it was that just basically kidnapped me. "Boys, look what I found outside." The guy behind me spoke. I could tell by his tone that he had a smirk on his face. He finally took his hand off my mouth but still held me close to him.

"Damn. She is fine." said the one on the farthest end of the room.

"Yeah, and she's mine so back off." the guy behind me spoke again.

"Do you really think this is the right thing to do?" one of the guys asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You kidnapped her."

"Yeah but, she's going to enjoy what I'm planning on doing." This is disgusting. I moved, trying to get loose from his grip but that only made him tighten the hold he had on me.

"Where do you think you're going babe?"

"Don't fucking call me babe." His grip tightened even more, if that was even possible at this point.

"Don't. Tell me what to do. Ever. Are we clear?" He asked, softening his hold on me just a bit.

"Yes" I choked out, even though my voice was unsteady. The guy walked over to the only empty chair and pulled me onto his lap, holding me around the waist so I couldn't get up if I tried.

He took one hand and reached downto the cooler beside him and grabbed two drinks, pushing one closer to me. "N-no, I don't drink." I told him, but his eyes darkened as he pulled out a small bag that contained three small white pills, he took out one and put it in my drink.

"Oh, I think you do." his grip tightened even more so I sighed, he's probably going to make me drink this one way or another. I closed my eyes and took a big drink of it, soon I was feeling very tired and the next thing I knew everything went black.

Carter MahoneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin