Chapter Twenty-One

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(This is the last chapter! I just want to thank everyone who read it, gave it a vote, kudos, left a comment, and everything! It means a lot and I'm so thankful for how successful this story became! Thank you all so much! 😄)

"Good job, Alexei!" Yuri cheered happily to his young son as he watched the boy try to start crawling from where he was laying on the floor. The small child looked up at him before giggling a little bit, earning a laugh from Yuri. "You're so silly." Yuri said as he reached down and lifted him up into his arms, using his baby bump a little bit to keep the boy up.

It had been nearly two years since everything that had went down and his life had changed dramatically since then. For one, he was married, now. Him and Otabek had tied the not on May 17th of the following year and ironically, and just his luck, he went into labor during the reception and was rushed to the hospital where he gave birth to their first child, Alexei. He was born exactly a month of Yuuri and Viktor welcomed their son, Dai.

At first after welcoming Alexei, Yuri and Otabek had decided to call off their honeymoon, which was a trip to Venice, Italy. The two couldn't bare the thought to leave their child home like that, even if it was with two friends they trusted. However, after a couple months of working endlessly and running around, they ended up coming to terms that a vacation was needed and that they would go on the trip. So, being Yuuri and Viktor had moved in with them, they agreed to allow them to take care of Alexei while they were away, but not before leaving a long list of everything to do for him.

Their trip to the city had been astounding, all of the lights and rivers, Yuri had loved it all. Honestly, if he had been able to have it his way, they probably would have never left. The hotel that they had ended up lodging in had been phenomenal. It had a spa for them, it was a little away from the crowded city, and the bedroom was amazingly set up. The both of them had ended up having a great time with the relaxation, the exploring they did, and the lots of sex that they had ended up having. So much sex, in fact, that that was the reason that Yuri was, once again, knocked up after only 3 months from welcoming Nikolai. Their second baby, another little boy name Nikolai, was due in April, possibly the same day that Dai was born.

So yeah, a lot had all went down in that time, but it had been the best year of Yuri's life and he wouldn't trade it for the world. He was so happy with where he was at, he had never thought that he would actually make it as far as he did. Here he was with a husband, a mate, a child, a child on the way, and living with all of them, including his friends. He had his own small family now and he felt complete. His mom was away in prison where she couldn't harm him and he was happy.

Smiling softly with Alexei in his arms, he turned around and started to make his way into the kitchen. "Does my baby want some apple sauce?"

"Yeah!" Alexei said happily, clapping his hands in excitement. Walking into the kitchen, Yuri walked over to the high chair they had in there for him and pulled it out, setting him down in it. Once he had him in and all secured, he walked over to the cupboards and pulled out the apple sauce that was meant for him. As he turned around to head back over to him, Otabek entered the room and smiled softly as his eyes landed on the two of them.

"Ah, there you are." He grinned, walking over and placing a tender kiss on top of his head. "I've been searching all around for you."

Yuri chortled slightly as he returned back to Alexei's side. "Well, you obviously wasn't looking too hard. I've been in the living room the whole time." He told him as he unscrewed the cap from the bottle and dipped the spoon in. Getting some on it, he held it up to the babies lips, who eagerly opened up and took the spoonful.

Otabek rolled his eyes slightly at him. "Shush, I tried. Anyways, I was just wondering what you wanted to have for dinner tonight. Being you or Yuuri are always cooking something to eat, I have decided that I am going to make dinner tonight." He announced proudly.

"You? Near the oven? That might not end so well." Yuri teased him.

"You know, I'm trying to do something nice for you, but you're not making it very easy." Otabek said playfully to him as he crossed his arms over his chest. "I want you to rest. You work so hard around here and I'm always holed up in my office doing boring ass paperwork. You're pregnant and I want you off your feet for a little bit. You're back is going to start hurting eventually. As a matter of fact, why don't you let me feed him and you sit down and relax. I don't get to spend as much time as I like with him." He suggested.

Yuri glanced over to him and nodded his head. "Alright." he said, holding the spoon out for him to take. Otabek walked over and took the spoon from him before getting to work on feeding the small infant. As Otabek fed the baby, Yuri sat down in one of the seats and watched him.

"You know," Otabek said as he kept his eyes on Alexei. "He's beautiful just like you are."

A hot blush crept up Yuri's cheek. "Yeah, OK." He replied back, not denying or fully expecting the compliment. Otabek hummed softly and continued on with feeding him. When he was doing, he lifted him out of the high chair and burped him.

"I'm gonna go lay him down for an afternoon nap. Wanna wait for me in the living room?" Otabek asked as he looked over to Yuri, who nodded his head.

"Sure." He said as he stood up slowly, trying to gain his balance on his two feet. Otabek turned and left the room as Yuri headed into the living room and waited on the couch for him. He waited a couple minutes before Otabek returned back to him, sitting down beside him and wrapping his arms around his shoulder as he pulled him close.

"This is all perfect." Otabek whispered as he held his mate close. Yuri leaned into him and laid his head down on his shoulder.

"Yeah it is." He said just as softly back to him as he held his stomach.

Otabek looked down at him and grabbed his chin gently, turning his head so he was looking up at him. "My perfect mate." He muttered to him before leaning down and capturing Yuri's lips in a kiss, a kiss in which he happily returned. It wasn't anything sexual, but yet it was still filled with love and passion and it took Yuri's breath away.

Pulling away slowly, Yuri stared at him and remained close to his face, making no attempts to move back. His hand was now clutching the front of Otabeks shirt as the male stared right back at him, smiling softly. "I love you so much." Yuri said to him in a gentle manner.

"And I love you even more." Otabek declared back to him before wrapping his arms around him and leaning back so Yuri was on top of him. Giggling softly, Yuri allowed himself to be on top of Otabek, laying in a way that wouldn't hurt the baby. Cuddling on top of him, he held onto him and allowed himself to relax into him. And that was how they stayed until dinner.

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