Chapter Eight

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          "Well, since you don't have your own clothes or anything, and I really don't think that you want to keep wearing clothes either too big on you or not yours, what do you say to a little shopping?" Otabek asked Yuri as they sat in the kitchen at the breakfast table. Yuri looked up from the cereal that he was in the middle of eating and nodded his head a little bit.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. I don't have any money to buy anything, though...." Yuri said as he looked down at the bowl.

Otabek shook his head. "Doesn't matter, I'm buying you everything. And don't even bother to argue with me, you'll lose." He stated.

Yuri opened his mouth to argue, but then just closed it and let out a small huff, shaking his head. Otabek smirked in victory and continued to eat his food when he remembered something. "Hey, those guys that you were talking about earlier. You should invite them over to visit." He suggested to Yuri.

Yuri stopped eating when he heard that and looked up at Otabek. "Uh.... I don't know how well that will work out...." He said slowly, chewing on his bottom lip.

Otabek rose an eyebrow at that. "Why not?" He asked, confused.

"They're just.... odd.... plus they live in Japan." Yuri said, taking another bite of his cereal.

"I don't care about odd. If you want, I can pay for them to be flown out here. They're your friends and I think that you guys should all catch up." Otabek said to him.

Yuri put his lips into a straight line and didn't say anything before grumbling and nodding his head. "Fine. They're probably going to start getting worried being I haven't talked to them in a while and the last thing that I need is them pestering me. You don't need to pay for their flight, though. They can pay with their own money."

Otabek chuckled a little bit and nodded his head. "Alright, that works. If you want to talk to them so that way they don't freak out or anything, you can use my phone. It makes calls over there." He said.

Yuri was going to say no, but the thought of Viktor and Yuuri freaking out and flying there from Japan before even being invited crossed his mind and he decided that it would be best to just give them a call and tell them that he wasn't dead. "Yeah, that seems like a good idea." He agreed.

Otabek nodded his head and reached into his pocket, taking his cellphone out. He held it out for Yuri to take and Yuri stood up once he had it. "You can go outside or something with it so you're conversation is private if you don't want anyone to hear you." He said.

Yuri gave a nod. "Alright, thanks." He said and turned, heading out of the kitchen and through the backdoor. He walked over to the back stop and sat down on it as he put in Yuuri's number and called him.

He waited for a moment, tapping his foot against the floor as he sat there, waiting for an answer. Finally, he got one.

"Hello?" Yuuri said when he answered the phone.

"Uh.... Hey, Yuuri....." Yuri said slowly, rubbing his arm a little bit as he looked around.

Yuri couldn't see it through the phone, but on the other side Yuuri's eyes were widening in surprise when he heard who it was that was calling him. "Yuri! Me and Viktor were getting worried about you! It's been weeks since we heard from you! Are you OK? Are you hurt? What happened? You're alright, right???" Yuuri bombarded him with a whole bunch of questions.

Yuri rolled his eyes. "I'm fine, Yuuri. There's nothing to worry about."

"Why haven't you called lately? We even tried to call you, but got no answer."

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