Chapter 4: Benjamin

Start from the beginning

"then consider yourself dead because you like her"

"whatever man, so where we gonna go get pizza?" i asked.

"At Mimi's pizza & restaurant in **** lexington ave. mind if my friends come too?" he asked.

"sure, i don't see why not, you invited me"

The whole class time we were told we had to make up a fictional story, i suck at making stories up! hell, i suck at lying! so this paper is going to be an issue. the bell rang and Flora ran out the room.

"what was that about?" i asked Tyler.

"she goes back to Mr.Boomers class to get her board and leave, she has early release" he said grabbing his bag.

"how do you know so much about her? did you two go out or something?" i asked. the whole class laughed including Tyler. were they listening to our conversation??

"No, not at all" he laughed calming down "i have 5 out of 7 classes with her. you pick up a few things" he said as we walked out the classroom.

i saw Brandy walk towards me with her high heels, black skirt and her tight white shirt. i crossed my arms.

"hey Ben" she greeted with her "sexy" voice. "there's a party at my place this Friday, wanna come?" she asked. "You can even invite your little friend here and who ever you want" she said gazing at Tyler, alittle disgusted.

"i don't know, what do you say Ty?" I asked.

"i guess" was all he said. Brandy rolled her eyes.

"see you Friday" she winked, walking away with her butt swinging side to side dramatically

"You sure you really wanna go?" i laughed.

"hell yeah man! believe it or not, I'm a party animal!" He laughed raising his arms in a party way,

"i'll believe it when i see it, alright man, see you at six?" i asked.

"sounds good" we exchanged our handshakes and walked away from each other. i walked towards the exit and saw Flora talking with some guy with a leather coat and black skinny jeans. he looked like bad news

"What are you doing here?" she asked crossing her arms. he smiled at her

"is that any way to talk to someone who helped you?" he asked mocking her movement. helped her with what?

"sorry..." she dropped her arms. He laughed

"its okay, how you been the past months?"

"fine i guess, i stayed away from others" she admit. what? she avoid people in purpose? but why? guy nodded

"anything about the guys?" she asked. what guys?? The guy noticed me. Flora turned to look at me. oops! play it cool!

"I'll look for you tomorrow, I'll inform you with anything you want to asked" he walked away. Flora got on her board.

"wait!" i called. she looked at me annoyed "what were you two talking about? who was that?" i asked. she narrowed her eyes.

"its none of your business" i realize that she was right, it wasn't my business

"you're right..." I scratch my head over my beanie. i looked over at my black motor bike "want a ride?"

"I got a board" she showed me the print of the bottom. "i see that, your last name matches your board, like your name to your shirt" i laughed trying to be funny. she didn't seem to be amused and got back on her board. i quickly grabbed her wrist before she jolted away.

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