When You and Him Celebrate Halloween (Halloween Special) Part 1

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(A/N: Here's yet another boyfriend scenario and also, Happy Halloween to all of you guys! Yes, I wrote this scenario a bit late (two days late to be exact) but its okay! The scenario that I wrote will make it up to you so as always, I hope you guys enjoy and happy reading! :3)

(PS: I knew this scenario is going to be a long one as I continue typing this so I decided to split into two parts! Stay tuned for the next part! :D)

Halloween has finally arrived and everywhere I go is filled with the colors orange and black and to mention, people wearing their scary costumes just for the sake of celebrating the occasion. 

And where I live, everyone including my neighbors are really jolly first thing in the morning and some were even starting to scare their friends, family or their partners.

"Ho ho ho, happy halloween-"

"Dude, its not Christmas"

"O-Oh! My mistake!"


"Ahhh! Dammit, you scared the living daylights out of me! Come here, you!"

"Crap, we gotta go dude. He's pissed!"

Yep, this is how rowdy it is but I like it rather than having a neighborhood that is quiet like you're living in ghost town.

Just imagining it too much won't let me sleep tonight.

At the moment, I'm currently decorating my house with orange and black streamers. My parents are away for a month due to their work trip so I have the house all to myself.

When my stereo played (Favorite song/song that is related to any horror game), I started singing but before I could reach one of my carved pumpkins, I received a message from my phone as it notified.

I went over to my bag and it looks like the message is from Hanji.

I wonder what's up with her. Just thinking about it made me think of what's she going to say to me.

-Message Log-

Hanji: Heeyaa, (Y/N)! There was no announcement regarding a certain occasion this month since yesterday right? Well, it turns out that our principal, Erwin, decided to hold a Halloween event in our school today! I know it was announced pretty late but luckily, the event will start around 5:30 or 6 o' clock! This event is kind of like a cultural festival because the student council decided that there will be a Halloween dance held outside, horror movie marathon in Class 2-D, a competition on who gets to scare the most (Price will be discussed later because SURPRISE!), costume contest and Courage test (Time: 9 PM). Everyone in Titan Junior High is invited! Your friends are coming so what about you? Oh, also, invite Levi with you! That way you'll find other ways to have fun together, am I right? Don't forget to wear a costume! Its required!

Woah, that's one long message coming from my good friend Hanji but I guess she couldn't help but announce it to me with excitement. 

But wait, a Halloween event? Sounds like fun! I get to meet Eren and the others and I might as well invite Levi too.

-Message Log-

(Y/N): Sure, Hanji! Sounds like fun! I'll head there later tonight with Levi. See ya there!

I send the message and wait for her reply but a few seconds later, she replied.

'That was fast', I thought as I chuckled to myself.

-Message Log-

Hanji: Yaasss! Great great! I'm so excited! I can't wait to see you and Levi in your costumes! Seriously, I ship you guys so hard!!!

I shook my head as my cheeks glow red imagining how supportive Hanji could be for both of us.

After reading Hanji's reply, I decided to text Levi to inform him about the event happening in school but before I could do so, someone called me and it turned out be none other than Levi himself.

Great timing!

I clicked the green answer button and placed the speaker over my ear.

"Hey, Levi!!", I said cheerfully.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)", said Levi, sounding quite surprised for some reason, "You answered pretty quickly. Did something happen?".

"Huh?", I said and scratching the back of my neck, "No no, it turns out I was suppose to text you so when you called..."

"I see, that's coincidental but I'm glad my timing was efficient", said Levi, feeling glad.

I smiled and went upstairs as I continued talking to him, "By the way, we're having a Halloween event in our school, have you heard?".

"Oh that. Hanji and Mike messaged me about that. Almost everyone in our school are gonna be there from what I've heard", said Levi.

"Perfect! Well, um...", I said but stopped my sentence there, "You see, I was thinking of what I'm gonna do this Halloween but...if you're free and all, would you like to join the Halloween event with me? I-It would be a date!".

Levi was silent like he's hesitating on what he was about to say.

Oh dear, don't tell me he's gonna say, "Tch, I'm not in the mood for some event" or something like that!

Just when I was about to start panicking, I heard a low sigh.

"Hmm, well, if you're really willing to then okay"

My eyes sparkled and my feet almost urged to jump as I heard his response.

"Really?! You mean it?", I questioned with excitement.

"Yeah, I mean it", he said as he chuckled softly (which is rare and...hot // slapped), "I was suppose to visit you today but...maybe a change of places wouldn't be so bad".

"Yes! I love you, Levi!", I said and quickly entered my bedroom, "Phew, I was scared you might decline but I'm glad you accepted it".

"No need to worry about that", said Levi, "...and I love you too, (Y/N)".

I could feel my face heating up when he said those three words and I can't seem to stop squealing quietly.

"Oh! One more thing!", I said as I prepared my wallet and bag, "You don't mind if we shop for our costumes?".

Levi slightly gasped at my request and asked, "Wait, costumes?"

Oh no, here we go again.

"Y-Yep, costumes for the Halloween event!", I said and started laughing nervously, "Hahaha...".

Why do I get the feeling he would turn down this one?

"Hmm...", he hummed as he began to ponder again, "I don't know but...".

I crossed my fingers as I looked myself at the mirror before leaving the room.

"Oh wait...actually thanks for reminding me about that. According to Mike, its a requirement to wear a costume for the Halloween event. So we might as well shop before the clock strikes at 6", said Levi, "Tch, otherwise, four eyes will force me to wear something stupid again if I'm not wearing anything".

My expression lighten as I punch the air with my fist (sorry air-chan xD).

"Great!", I said and checked my watch which is 11:30 AM, "Wanna go now while its early? We can have lunch together outside after shopping".

"Hm, not a bad idea", said Levi, "Alright, it's settled. I'll head to your house now, see you (Y/N)".

"Wait, right now-"

Levi hang up, leaving me a bit shocked.

I chuckled thinking that he might be excited to see me right away so after putting back phone in my bag, I went downstairs to wait for him.

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