When You Kiss His Cheek

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Everyone sighed with relief as the last bell has been heard so Shadis dismissed class without hesitation, leaving us to prepare for our dismissal.

I packed away my books and said my good-byes to one of my friends in class including Eren and the rest of the gang.

Once I exited the classroom though, I started running through the corridors to find Levi if we could walk home together but to my surprise, he was no where to be found.

"Huh? Where'd he go?", I mumbled to myself as I went to the first floor but he wasn't there unfortunately.

I scanned throughout the first floor and checked if he's in any of the classrooms but to no avail, he wasn't on sight.

I sighed and decided to check outside as my last option, hopefully he might be there.

I stepped outside the building and checked the one of the places where he would always go to: the gymnasium.

I head there right away and when I got in, I saw him walking in and out of the storage room at the very end of the gymnasium.

On the floor, there were a bunch of windex bottles, rugs, mops and a bunch of buckets of water.

"Levi!", I exclaimed and ran through the court right after I wiped my feet on the rug.

Levi came out of the storage room and when he notice my presence, he gave me a small smile and a reluctant nod.

I smiled back and stopped right in front of him before I could give him a gentle yet hesitant hug.

Hearing him chuckling a bit, he enveloped me with his strong and manly arms and soothed my back with his hand.

"I've been looking all over you", I said and placed my head over his shoulder.

"Oh, sorry for not informing you. I was on a hurry since I can't leave this place all dusty and filthy from all the muddy footprints from the reckless 2nd year brats", he said in a monotone sort of voice and looked at me in the eye as he cupped my face, "Anyways, what brings you here?".

I laughed and said, "Well, I was wondering if we could go home together right after school. I was suppose to go with Mikasa and Krista but I realized they have business to take care off today".

I scratched the back of my neck and when he gave me an approving nod, he said, "Oh that's not a problem. I was planning on asking you myself anyway".

My eyes sparkled and I started kissing both of his cheeks saying, "Yes! Thanks, Levi!".

He blinked a few times from my response and ended up blushing with a tint of red as we started cleaning up the gym together before we could home together hand in hand.

Levi Boyfriend Scenarios [AoT Junior High Ver.] (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now