When He Kisses Your Cheek

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I looked over at Sasha, who is sulking on her desk as she kept writing different names of her favorite food or meals that she might eat for tomorrow or the day after.

Why is she like that you ask? 

Well, our teacher, Shadis, caught her eating food during discussion again so he had to confiscate her food and ban her for eating here inside the classroom for a week.

I sighed and patted Sasha's head gently as she started sobbing.

"It's okay, Sasha. I'll treat you later during lunch", I said, comforting her since I have no idea how am I going to cheer you up.

"And that is why you shouldn't eat here, Sasha", said Connie, sighing and face palmed, "You should've waited until break time, you know?".

Sasha shook her head and replied to Connie's comment with a glare, "You have no idea what I'm going through Connie! It's just...food is life. Don't you get me?".

Connie and I looked at each other and Connie himself, sighed and answered, "I get what you mean but you can't just eat inside the classroom while discussion is on going. If you keep doing this-"

The classroom door was opened and everyone gasped when they saw person who opened the said door and entered the room.

Connie looked over and nearly screamed when he said, "I-It's Levi!".

I looked back and my heart skyrocketed when I saw his presence and boy, am I happy to see him here.

But wait, what's he doing here though?

Then in a few seconds, when he saw me right away, he ran towards me and hid behind my table since I was sitting at the far back of the room (so he's hiding in the corner).

"L-Levi!", I said and smiled at him, "What are you-"

He shushed me when he placed his finger over my lips and then suddenly, I heard someone screaming outside and it was very familiar, TOO familiar for us to hear.

"Ooooh humanity's midget! Where are you? You still haven't forgotten about your bet! Or else, I'll tell your precious (Y/N) about this~"

Her voice was still in close range but it started to fade away once she continued running through the corridors, not even bothering to check the first year classroom.

Levi let out a sigh and I questioned, "What was that about, Levi? And what was the bet for?".

Levi grumbled and clicked his tongue as he didn't want to hear the end of Hanji.

"Oh, I lost a bet with Hanji and she wanted me to do something stupid in front of everyone. So bottom line, I'm not accepting her consequence", he said and huffed as he crossed his arms against his chest.

I sweatdropped and laughed nervously then eventually, Levi stood up and, surprisingly, he gently kissed my cheek without even thinking and said, "I have to go to another hiding spot. She might find me here".

With that, he left the classroom quickly just to find another hiding spot while I, on the other hand, was left speechless and started touching my cheek where Levi kissed with a dorky smile.

As I left out a sigh, I glanced both Connie and Sasha, who are looking at me with smirks and wiggly eyebrows.

"D-Don't look at me!", I said turning away to hide my blushing face and the duo ended up laughing at my expression but deep down in my heart, it was sweet and worth it.

Levi Boyfriend Scenarios [AoT Junior High Ver.] (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now