When You Blush

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Today is like every other day except it's a good old and warm Thursday. When I say warm, I mean REALLY warm than ever.

"Arggh! It's so hot! Can someone pass me the paper fan?", Connie groaned from the heat inside the classroom.

Yeah, I hear you Connie. Today really is a warm and fuzzy Thursday and I didn't even prepare a paper fan with me. Sigh, this is going to be a very looong and sweaty day.

Speaking of or hence the word 'sweaty', we're going to have our volleyball for our PE class in the next few hours (approximately 2 hours on my clock).

After we finished our long lectures with Keith, we proceed with break time that everyone was looking forward to for a long time. 

"Come on, guys!! The melon bread is going to be sold out if we don't get there soon!", said Sasha excitedly as she pulled me and Mikasa along leaving Eren and the other boys behind.

"Hey! What about, Eren?", said Mikasa looking behind her back as she saw Eren and the other boys followed Sasha's trail.

Sasha turned left and kept her pace while replying, "Oh don't worry, he'll catch up! Melon bread here I come!".

With that notion, Sasha increased her footwork and began to run faster leaving Connie's mouth wide open.

"Oi, take it slow for a change, Sasha!", said Connie from a distance.

I looked behind and saw the boys catching up to us, especially Connie while Eren and Jean are just racing each other.


"Cheeseburger freak!"

I laughed at their tiny argument until we already arrived at the cafeteria.


Hours came by and it was already PE time. Oh boy.

"Heads up, Krista!"

Ymir called out to Krista as she toss the ball for her up in the air with effort.

Krista looked at her right and saw the ball. She smiled and spiked the ball with ease.

"Yes!! Good job, Krista!", said Ymir as she hugged Krista, "I'm gonna marry you when this PE lesson is over, hehe~".

Krista just laughed at Ymir softly with innocence while on the other side of the court is just rest of us.

Armin kept tossing the ball towards Eren every second while Mikasa just watched them with eyes directly on Eren's spikes and serves (deep down she wanted to pass the ball to Eren but Eren was like 'Armin, can you toss a ball for me?')

I, on the other hand, just practiced my serves (under hand serve and the jump serve) with a little help of Jean and Marco.

"So, (Y/N). Can I ask you something?", asked Marco with a warm smile.

"Yeah?", I replied and spiked the ball to the other side of the court.

"Do you have any interest on anyone yet? You know, like a crush?", Marco asked with curiosity as he let out a small laugh.

I fidgeted at the word 'crush'  and that word is something that came in my mind ever since I got here in Titan Junior High School.

My eyes started shift from left to right as I answered, "Well-"

I was cut off when my eyes spotted the third years from the other side of the gymnasium and along the crowd, I saw Hanji and Mike practicing some tosses. 

Weird, how come I never noticed they were there? And where's Levi?

I shook that feeling and Marco seemed to notice my small actions, not to mention the facial expression I was putting on.

"You alright?", asked Marco.

"Ooh! Haha, yeah. It's no biggie", I replied with a nervous laugh.

Jean and Marco continued what they were doing then something came to me. I totally forgot to get my extra towel from my locker.

I told Marco that I'd be back for a moment and ran inside the locker rooms.

When I got inside, I scampered through the halls while trying to let out my previous thoughts a moment ago and Marco's words.

Pfft, crush. Yeah, righ-

I stopped at my tracks when I accidentally bumped into someone and I almost fell to the ground but luckily, the person that I bumped into grabbed me and pulled me up.

I landed on the person's chest and the next thing I knew, this person was shirtless.

I gasped and when I looked up, it revealed to be none other than Levi Ackerman.

My eyes widened and I didn't expect to see him here and not to mention, he's, ahem, shirtless.

Small beads of sweat was covering his face and when I took a quick glance of his body, my goodness, it was a very good built and is also covered in sweat making him more attractive or should I say, sexy.

Wait, what am I thinking?!

I shook my head rapidly and I could feel heat rising on my cheeks as our bodies are almost close to each other and my heart was already beating fast.


I jumped slightly from his sudden voice and in an instant, I readied myself for the next thing he's going say but to no avail, a reply slipped out of my lips, "H-H-Hi, Levi-senpai!! I...uh...".

I cursed myself from stuttering and immediately let him go but when I tried to step back, he grabbed my arm like he didn't want me to leave.

"Hmm, I never thought I would see you here. But I do say your entrance was really...something", said Levi as he stepped closer to me.

My cheeks began to flame up again from each step that Levi is taking and I feel like I'm going to faint or something.

Levi seemed to notice my mannerisms and facial expression when he said, "Oi, you alright? Your face is turning red. Tch, I better hope you're not having a fever".

When he got very close to me just to check my forehead, my cheeks were reddening faster than before and immediately, I let go of his grasp gently with an embarrassed yet quirky smile.

"F-F-Fever? Oh nonsense! I'm n-not having a fever, h-haha", I said and laughed nervously.

"Oh, really?", he said with suspicion as he narrowed his eyes and took a step forward, "Then, how come your face is still red, (Y/N)?"

I gulped when he said my name again and I could've sworn that he's smirking at me right now while small beads of sweat are starting to trail down my forehead as our bodies are almost close to each other.

"O-Oh, it's just very hot today that's all especially yo-I mean, hey! Look at the time! I have to get my, umm, extra gym clothes in the girls' locker, yeah! So, see you in a bit!"

Levi's eyes slightly widened from my sudden reply as I dashed inside the girl's locker room and when I came out, my face was still red from what just happened and immediately, I went out of the building.

Aggh! What have I just got myself into?!

Levi Boyfriend Scenarios [AoT Junior High Ver.] (Levi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now