Chapter Fourteen: Shock Girl

Start from the beginning

Fine, I didn't give a hoot anyway!

The ride to the club that we're going to is fairly short. I bite my nails in anticipation. What the hell are you supposed to do in one of those places anyway?

If someone is expecting me to shake my ass and go wild, then I was really going to disappoint.

When we get there, I feel nothing far from a socially awkward penguin. It doesn't take long for the entire group to disperse once we enter the dark room. It's huge, with two floors and a round bar smack in the middle. The obnoxious techno song and strobe lights start to give me a headache the minute we walk in. I realize that I officially suck at partying.

I don't know what to do with myself as I stand awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor. My eyes wander to Johnny, who dances not too far away from me. I realize with horror that he's started to do the robot.

Oh. My. God.

 I would be watching out for Joshua, but even I could see that he wasn't in the partying mood. He mentioned something about getting a drink bitterly, and wondered off the minute we entered the doors. His presence did serve for one thing, getting us into the club before anyone else. The bouncer had quickly let us in once he had realized that Joshua Lachowski was with us.

I feel some warm sweaty hands grab my hips, and I whip my head around to find out who has the guts to get handsy.

What the hell?

Some creeper has practically started to dry hump my leg without me noticing.

"Ew! Gross!" I yell in a high voice. I'm not OK. with being groped by some creepy stranger. Hell, I don't think I'm comfortable with being groped by someone I freaking know! I race to the bar, once I realize that the pervert has started to get all up in my personal bubble.

Plopping myself on a bar stool; I know that I already hate the night. My day has turned from good to crappy in like two seconds. Just when I think things can't get any worse, I feel a hand on my shoulder.

What now?

I turn my head and come face to face with a short guy with a buzz-cut.

His voice is smooth and silky when he speaks, "Hello, my name's John."

He winks before continuing, "I couldn't keep my eyes of off you. Can I buy you a drink?" I can tell that he's trying really hard to make his English accent sexy. Except, I think I smell fish sticks.

I feel like a total jerk when I burst out laughing. Oh my god, just my luck to get hit on by Romeo here.  John looks at me like I just grew second head. My laughing goes away and I finally take the chance to reply. I wipe the last trace of humor from my face and narrow my eyes.

My voice is bored and annoyed when I say, "How about....No?"

I turn around, thinking that it's the end of it. When have I ever gotten what I want?

Instead of leaving, John sits himself down on the stool beside mine. He orders some fancy drink to the bartender and turns to me with yet another wink.

What a creep, man.

"Look, I'm not interested," I say with clenched lips. I wish he would get the hint already, but he clearly doesn't.

"Are you sure? How much was your skirt?" He says, throwing me off.

I'm ready to tell him to get the fuck away from me again, but the question distracts me. He wants to buy my skirt?

"What?" I ask, truly confused.

"Well, because when you're with me, I promise it's one hundred percent off," He gives me a wink and a smile after he finishes dropping his lame-ass pick-up line.

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