29- put on a show.

Start from the beginning

He understood the look of confusion marring my face and said...

"Oh yes angel that would be you."with an evil smile. Is he fucking shittin' me.

I scoffed at that. Like seriously? "You have mistaken I mean nothing to him infact I think if you invite him here, he will team up with you in torturing me. So I can't see why the hell have you brought me here."I shouted the last part.

To my irritation he laughed again. What is up with him? What does he think I am doing? Cracking jokes for him. This is getting on my nerves now. Firstly he is just blabbering nonsensical words then laughing at my sensical ones. Am I a magnet to attract psychopaths?

" You have got a nice sense of humour and so as to what you are doing here.......that is for me to know and you to find out but don't worry it won't take us long to reach there.

" Why are you doing this what have I ever done to you? For that matter what have Agustin ever done to you? He had always treated you and Jacob like his own brother and this is how you repay."

His expression suddenly darkened, all the humour gone.

" Talking about you.... Nah, don't flatter yourself as this is not about you. It is between your motherfucking husband and me.

It was never about you, not when I framed you in the photos not now.

After making my life pathetic he thought that he can marry you and live his happily ever after . Can't let that happen now can I? And look at that Idiot I thought breaking your relationship would be difficult but it was easy, too easy. But you should be thankful to me angel I showed you his true face didn't I?"

Hearing it was breaking my heart into a million pieces all over again. On this I agree with Xavier, It was too easy, indeed. My relationship with Agustin was like an empty shell.

"I don't understand this what had Agustin ever done to you to deserve such hatred? He even believed you over me. Surely that means you guys were at good terms." I pointed to the obvious.

He took a beep breath before he started narrating me the whole story.

"To start with his and my father where very good friends And business associates and as there friendship grew they merged there business. After the death of my father Agustin's father took over, over whole of the company and when the legacy was passed to Agustin I was appointed as one of his bloody employee while he rules on what was rightfully mine.

While we and Jacob did equal hard work as him to maintain the reputation and status of the company while he get all the credit and compliments and he bloody calls us his friends all the while treating us like shit.

Jacob may be okay with that but not me. Agustin had very smartly tied Jacob's loyalty to himself by doing him a little favour. Poor Jacob dying from inside everyday because he thinks he will be betraying Agustin if he acts on his feelings for you just because of what, Agustin gave him shelter when he had non. Then being homeless is better than accepting anything from that snake and being in his debt. " His voice was laced with so much venom that it sent shiver down my spine.

"And what's more. To put cherry on the top after I potrayed that I and you had an affair he did fucking every thing to make my life a living hell. He fucking blacklisted me from the entire nation. I had to spend god knows how many months on Street.

And he thinks that after putting me through all this he can live happily with his wife.

Agustin fucking Deluca is nothing but just a self centered bastard who can even sell his very own soul for his benefits. He always knew that Jacob is very talented and will be of great help to him in future and he just know were to hit people. Jacob is idiot enough to think of him as some godly figure.

He is more evil than the devil himself, at least you of all should know that."

"Oh and you think you are any better?" I retort back. I just don't understand what the fucking heck is happening and whom to believe.

"No may be I am not, but at least I am not pretending otherwise. He is just a manipulative bastard who knows how to fuck with everyone's mind very well. He just don't give two flying shits about anyone other then himself.

Mark my words no one around him can ever be happy all he cares about is his own fucking happiness. Which to your bad luck have brought you here. Because in his own fucked up mind he thinks that he loves you, or may be he actually does, I can't care less. Infact if it's the later it's even better for me. To your dismay that makes you his weakness and hence my target.

He deserve to rot in hell. He thinks that I will watch everything like a bystander then dear lord in haven had he mistaken."

"It's not true I know he think of Jacob as his brother." Now tears were threatening to fall at his insensitive words.

"Oh yeah you even thought that he will be your little loving husband, Sorry sweetie when I say I can't relay on your judgement." He said. And I just stared at him, completely speechless.

"Enough of gossips. Now let's begun our game."

"Game what game?"

"Torturing you then kill you what else." All the blood drained from my face. He is kidding right?!

"Yo..you.. won't do that.." a lone tear escaped my eye, fear griping at my heart.

" Won't I ? We will see. Don't cry angel ....okay think of it this way I will be doing you a favour to free you of your pathetic life and at the same time I will get at Agustin so it's a win-win for both of us."saying that he widened his eyes as if surprised by his own smartness.

I don't know whether to shout at him or agree with him. My life is pathetic indeed. But do I want to die?

The answer is no. I had given away many things for Agustin but I am not willing to give up on my life for him, no more, never again. He is no more worth it. My life no more revolves around him. I have better thing to live for. I have Alex now.

My thoughts were interrupted as I saw Xavier focusing the camera on me. What is he planning at?

I want to make it out alive. Will someone come to save me? Agustin or Jacob? I never thought I will willing want to see Agustin ever again but right now I want too. Does he even know that I am missing? Does he even cares? May be Jacob will notice. I pray to God he do.

"Now is the action time let us put a good show for your husband's entertainment. Shall we?" Saying that he walked towards me with a knife in his hand.

My breath caught in my lungs. Oh god not again I don't want to go through all this again. Now tears were falling freely from my eyes.

Dread gripped me from all sides and I felt bile rising in my throat.


Those who are waiting for Agustin's pov. Don't worry next chapter it is.......;)

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Have a nice day to you all.
Love, Ricky.❤❤

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