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Lyndsey and Hayley went inside and I waited outside.

I imagined Tanner and Bella dancing. Getting punch and having fun.

I saw Hayden walk up, his hair done up and a shy smile across his face, "Hey. You look great..."

I paused for a moment looking in his eyes, never guessing he could be this put together, "Y-you to..."

He smiled, I smiled.

"I got you this," he said as he placed a red rose in my hair.

I touched it a few times smiling more, "Thank you Hayden!" I said as we started to walk inside. Wishing I had gotten him something to.

He opened the door for me, then I walked onto the field that was turned into a stage, dance floor, and hang out all at the same time. The stage was set up in the back, It was a few feet off the ground. The sides were lined with foldable tables, simple table cloths were over them.

I was lucky I wore flats because, the moment I stepped out there I saw 5 girls trip because heals and grass don't mix. Bella being one of them.

I looked over at the Punch table were Tanner and Bella were talking taking small drinks of punch in between laughs.

"So what do you want to do?" Hayden asked over the music, witch wasn't to loud but it seemed like it was with everyone talking.

"I don't kno-" I was cut off by the announcer saying to start dancing! "lets dance." I pulled Hayden into the fray of people dancing to some pop song I had never heard before.

I danced as if no one was watching, me and Hayden did.

Then about 30 minutes latter, the announcer called again, "Alright lets slow it down a bit!"

Hayden pulled me close as some slow dance music started to play. He his hand on my hip. I quickly put my hand on his shoulder as we started to sway. He looked down at me and I looked up at him.

I smiled a little, in concussion, "Your eyes, have a hint of green in them..." I said softly.

"You have a tiny hint of lip gloss on, that Bella clearly did..." He laughed a little.

We danced for what felt like an eternity. But it a weird way I wanted it to continue.
I then looked over and saw Tanner and Bella doing the same. I saw how perfect they looked together. I turned back

Then Hayden smirked, then pulled my arm out of the door into the long rap around hallway of closed food stands, "What are we doing?" I smirked as we walked past the same concession stands as we did when we had to clean up the IP equipment.

We ran past a hot dog stand, one with ice cream, another with fries. The hallway was colder than last time, as if someone had come in a turned the air down.

Then something caught my eye from the right. A tall figure stood down one of the halls.

"Hayden..." I whispered. And pulled him back.

"What's wrong Tay?" He said as we started to back step to the hall. Then I saw him again. Tall with brown hair. He wore a suit that looked familiar.

"Tay-" Hayden starred but then I covered his mouth. I leaned back up against the wall.

"What do you purpose we do?" A woman said.

There was a pause, then a man spoke "We give them all the option to. There serves no real reason in the fact for the AP students, except experiment. But that's the case for all of our students,"

"The volunteers are also experiments correct...?" I recognized Mr. Rouge's voice. The young man who picked me and Mia up, along with Tanner.

Then another familiar voice, "Yes, according to the scientist." Miss. Linda. I had this sudden itch that we needed to leave. But I kept listing.

"The two kids, who were punished, I think the IP and AP has really taken a toll on them,"

I look up at Hayden, and he looked back at me.

"Isn't one of them, Chance's relative."

Who is Chance? I looked back at Hayden. He looked mad.

"Tay lets go..." He said walking away.

I stood there for a few seconds not really sure what to do. I took a deep breath, holding in my confusion. I looked back at Hayden who was halfway down the hall, before I ran to catch up with him.

"What was that about..." I asked, I looked up at Hayden, who's face was red.

"Don't know, don't care." He was hiding something. I knew it.

All I could here was the sound of our shoes hitting the floor, repeatedly, as we walked down the hallway. Hayden seemed to calm down as we walked around the stadium. I continued to look at the old small stores, and there silly names, 'Ravens Rocket' and 'Basket, Score, Goal'.

I suddenly felt a hand, touch mine. I flinched, Hayden continued to look forward as I took his hand. He looked a little red, I smiled. His had was bigger than mine, but his wasn't rough like mine. It was soft.

We walked a bit more, my hand in his, before he stoped, "Tay, come with me,"

I nodded, and we started towards the nearest stair well. He pushed open the heavy door, and I fallowed behind. The echo of the door closing fallowed us as we walked up the stairs. He suddenly stops on a floor, there were no more stairs going up. Little words by the door read 'top floor'. Hayden pushed open the door, reveling a few rows of seats, and a beautiful sky full of stars.

The music from the party was being played down from below, you could see down on the fugues swaying back and forth, never quite could make out faces though.

I turned back to Hayden, "Hayden... this is amazing!"

He smiled, "Yeah, I found it during the football game..." His eye's went from the sky to me, "I thought you would like it..."

We both smiled.

I blushed, as I walked up to him. He moved back towards me. As the music got quieter, I looked into his eyes. He started to lean in, I did to.

Then just as he about grabbed my hand, I pulled back. I took a few steps back. I looked down at my hands shaking.

There was a moment of silence, "Tay..." Hayden said softly.

I remember back in detention. He started crying. I go back further what he did to Lilly. My mind filled and I couldn't hear the music anymore.

What if this was all a game to get me on his good side? What if the minute we kiss he turns his back?

What if he gets a hold of Mia...?

I look up into his eyes. No longer seeing the Hayden I was just standing beside. I saw a monster.

I raced back up the steps and pushed the loud door open as fast as I could.

"TAYLOR!" the last thing I heard. Before I door closed.

I was falling I love with a monster.

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