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"That one is to purple," Bella said as we stood outside the dressing room, I was in a purple dress that reached the floor, "You need a color that brings out you eyes!"

"Heh, I'm not buying a green dress, and I want this one to be a little shorter..." I said as I looked in the mirror then back at Bella.

She thought for a moment looking up and down the dress. "Hold on..." she said stepping out of the hallway and I snuck back into the changing room. I took a breath, "Your going to a dance, don't mess this up." I whispered to myself.

I looked at myself in the mirror again, seeing someone different. I saw a girl who wore dresses everyday. Did her makeup perfectly. But I didn't see me.

"Taylor?" Bella echoed in the empty hallway. I unlocked the door, to her holding a short red off the shoulder dress, and a small silver necklace, "Soooo?"

"I'll try it," I took the dress and put it on. Looking in the mirror again, "I love it!"

"Let me see," I stepped out of the close, Bella looked at me for a second, "Oh yeah! Now quick help me pick out mine!"

I changed quick then helped Bella pick out a short blue dress with lace at the top. She looked great. We paid then walked out and back onto campus's.

They finally let us wander around outside, not far, but we could leave. Only the older kids were aloud though, some of the younger ones like my sister had to stay on campus.

During the lecture, they mentioned something about an extreme punishment, if you showed your IP or AP off campus. I texted Hannah after that, she said the punishment was probably death.


Friday morning we walk into Reading. Hand in our homework and sit down in our seats. I watch as some AP student, a group of girls, comes and sits in the row in front of us.

"Hey guys!" I whip around to Hannah, "How you been?"

I jumped up, "More like how have you been?" I give her a hug, then the rest of the group dose.

"What the AP?" I ask.

She smiles, "A fox,"

"Can we see?" Bella pokes her head out.

She frowned but nodded as her hair started to move into ears. Her bright fox ears shake a little before falling back into her hair. After that she looked exhausted, taking deep breaths and sweating.

"Harder than it looks?" Lyndsey comments.

"Yeah... I'm gonna sit down," she said slipping into the seat in front of me.

After classes finished, we got ready to go to the dance. I slipped on my dress then the small silver necklace. I put on a silver pair on flats and Bella helped me put my hair up in a bun, leaving a few strands out to hang beside my ears. She did a bit of my makeup, then I waited for everyone else to finish before heading to the sports center.

When we were coming up, I saw Tanner in a suit with his hair done slightly. His eyes glistened. He smiled and waved a little shy. I blushed then looked over at Bella and remembered. I shook my head and continued walking as Bella broke off from are group, walking with Tanner into the blasting music.

I'd never felt so jealous.

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