What hapens after we graduate

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When we went to first period the next day Tanner was there. We took are seat. I took a seat at the end of the row. When Tanner came by he didn't smile. He just kinda put his watch against mine then walked off. I looked at my watch, it read 'Number received, would you like to accept?' I was confused but hit accept.

After first period I felt a buzz on my wrist. A message? From Tanner. I opened it up.

'Did you really start the fight?'

'Yeah. Why' I tipped waiting for a reply as we walked.


What did that mean? I brushed it off as Mrs. Kaley approached us to take us into training. When she finished setting everyone up with stations she came over to me, "So got in a fight yesterday?"

I was shocked by her comment, "Y-yeah....."

"Did you get to use your IP?"

I nodded again.

"Well at least you got to exercise them," she said giving me a wink then leaving to let me continue my training. I had to jump up over a rail and then teleport. It's a lot harder to teleport in mid air than I thought. I was doing pretty well until I saw Tanner out of the corner of my eye.

He walked over to me, "Hey," he said. Sort of scared.

"Hey..." then silence. We kinda just look at each other.

"So how are you doing at teleporting?" He asked, still awkward.

"Good, doing it when jumping is hard though," we both gave this awkward laugh.

"That's cool...." he just kinda looked around, "Ok I'm going to go help some of the other girls..."

I stood there as I watched him help Bella. I shook the thought out of my head. I kept practicing. I had no idea why now we were so awkward. What happened?

They say dragged on as usual. When we got to the end of the last period everyone else headed back to the room, as I walked with Hayden all the way to the training arena.

We put away almost everything, then I grab a few final things and Hayden goes and sits down at one of the benches. I came and sat next to him.

"So what do you want to do?" He asks. I was a bit confused.

"I was going to go back to my room," I said.

He was laying with his head back. He never once did look up at me, "Why not stay a while?"

"Why?" I ask, "What good dose it do us to stay here?"

"We can explore," he says, it's something that I've been wanting to do, I still had no idea what this place was, it looked like an old football field.

"Ok," I say standing up, he dose the same. We walk out of the football area, and walk into an area that looked like it could have had hot dogs and burgers.

Hayden smirks, "Hold on," he says before he jumped over the counter of a small concession stand and ducked behind the counter.

"Hayden!" I say! Completely shocked.

"Hey there are chips down here," he says, handing me a bag of Chips from over the counter. I was about to grab them when he suddenly pulls them away, "Miss that will be four dollars please,"

We both laugh, I then play along, "Ughhh! That's to expensive sir! I'm not paying for that!" We both laugh again.

"Look lady! I don't make the rules! This is just what my boss told me!" We both brake down laughing.

When Hayden suddenly stops, "Taylor get down here," he says softly


"I said get down here," he says pulling me by my arm, over the concession stand, then pushing me down under the counter. He then drops to my side.

"Hayden what i-" he puts his finger over my lips making me stop. I suddenly here the clicks of small heals coming down the hall.

"Main Street has been completely bought out. All at different times after they were built just so we don't seem suspicious," a young lady said as she walked down the hall. I was stone cold. Hayden was dead silent.

"Ok, and how about Stone drive?" An older sounding man said.

"We have six of them right now, but the rest are on hold," that was the last thing we heard before they faded out.

We sat there for a few more minutes before we knew the coast was clear. Then we hopped over the counter and ran outside.

"What was that!" I say when we are out of the building. Out of breath from running.

"Don't know and don't care, I've got my chips and that's all I need," Hayden said as he pulled out two bags of chips from his back.

I laugh and take a bag, "Thank you. I seriously want to know what they were talking about though," we start walking toured the rooms.

"Probably about when we graduate, where there going to send us," He says, making me stop in my tracks.

"Where there sending us?" I say making him stop to, "What do you mean, don't we just go home?"

"Are you kidding, do you think we can just go home?" I nod, I believed that once we were done with school that we would be able to take a care of are selfs, "This Ap, your IP there apart of us now. If we have children then there is a very likely chance they will have are Ap or Ip. Can you imagine, just having a child with your Ip, they would be every where,"

I guess I hadn't thought about that. I don't want my child to just suddenly teleport all over the house. I guess they had a point. "So wait are you implying that we would have children,"

He blushed, "No, it was just an example, plus I wouldn't have a child with a shorty like you,"

"HEY! Your just tall!" I snap back.We both laugh and start walking back.

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