Chapter 2

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I hear voices. They're talking about me. What's happening? Why can't I open my eyes? The person closest to me says something. "...major blood loss...unconscious for a while...broken arm...full recovery..." Is that someone crying? I feel a burden on my chest. I'm trying to get up, but my body won't listen to me. Focusing every single thought on moving something, my fingers slightly twitch. A soft gentle voice (I think the one who was crying on my chest) calls everyone to say that he felt me move. My eyelids start to flutter, I feel my senses coming back. There's a name on the tip of my tongue. "" Was that hoarse voice mine? Someone responds. "Yeah Zayn, I'm here. It's ok, you're safe now." 

I vaguely start to recognize shapes... and the one leaning over me is an angel, with brown eyes that look like they have been crying all night, surrounded by a halo of light. I reach up to touch his face, and find my hand within his against his cheek. He's so soft and warm. But why am I here? What happened? Memories are flooding back, and as I remembered, my feelings went on rampage, not knowing what to do. We had a fight. I said I loved him and he said I was just messing with him, that it couldn't be true. That's when I got mad and got in the car. The storm was raging on all around me. Because I was so mad, I hadn't seen the tree falling right in front of me. And that's when everything went black


Why did this happen? Would this have happened if I hadn't argued with him? I really didn't mean to hurt him, but I couldn't face the truth that I love him with my entire heart, and it almost cost him his life to help me figure it out. What would I do if I had lost him? I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I feel something move. Was it my imagination or did Zayn actually move?! "Hey guys!! Zayn is moving!!!" My heart literally skipped a beat. He'll be okay!!! Thank god, I wouldn't be able to live without him. He's trying to say something. "" I almost collapsed of happiness. I feel tears running down while he raises his hand to touch my cheek. The warmth of his hands made me shiver. Never will I let this hand go again. He's mine and I intend to keep it that way from now on.

A bump in the road - Ziam Palik (One Direction FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now