ding dong! ding dong! oh shit! that was the bell! don't need to be late and ruin my perfect attendance! i reached the brown ancient looking castle building and sat down on my desk out of breath. everyone made faces me as i came in with my board, thinking im a wanna be or something, if they only knew the real me. they knew nothing about me. not even about my family or such, and i preferred it that way.

i placed my board in a closet that my teacher, Mr.Boomer, let me use for it, and sat on my desk in the back of the room. I took one of my moms books out of my backpack and read on, ignoring the whole class.

Mr.Boomer was my U.S history teacher, he was old with grey hair. he was a cool and hip teacher that gives us 20 minutes of free time even he was done with his boring lectures. i have all my teachers love me, i am a A+ student, which makes this nerd disguise work perfectly. the class was filled with cheesy posters about history and text books and some globes. i much prefer to sleep in this class room more then anything.

"hey nerd! that outfit is fucking ugly, go fall in a hole!" the schools slut laughed across the room, i ignored her and continued reading.

her name was Brandy Grey. shes a pure blond with blue eyes, when people say blonds are dumb...its so true, her grades are terrible, she gets nothing but D's and C's. her only good grades are in ballet. she wore a white skin tight shirt with "bitch" on the front that showed alot of her boobs, wore a tight black skirt and black wedges and had heavy black eye liner and blue eye shadow...yep, thats the schools slut.

"quiet down everyone!" Mr.Boomer announced, the room went quiet. "now, i have some exciting news, we have a new student that passed the music audition. please come out" he called out to the door, a boy walked into the room with a white bagy muscle shirt, black skinny jeans, and white jordans and a grey beanie. he had brown hair with blue-brown eyes...they are werid but pretty.

i could see Brandy lift up her boobs and pulling her shirt down, agh gross! "please introduce yourself to the class" Mr.Boomer said. the boy nodded

"my name is Benjamin Arena, you can call me Ben, i transferred from Texas and came here to learn more about music,and song writing, its my Passion" he smirked, great...this school as enough musicians and bad boys.

i could see all the girls in the class melting over him and the guys heat up in anger from jealousy. it was funny, as for me, i could care less and continued my book.

"alright Ben, you can have a seat next to Ms. Francia in the back" Mr.Boomer said, i jumped in surprise, there was a empty seat next to me, shit! he better not talk to me, i can just feel eyes burning my way. i stared down at my book as Ben sits on his seat. i can feel his eyes looking at me, i choice to ignore him

30 minutes had pass and Mr.Boomer was giving his lecture about Pearl Harbor. "alright class, you have 20 minutes to yourself, just dont get too loud!" he informed. i took out my book again and continued to read chapter 9, when i felt something poke me...oh god it was that new student! dont fucking touch or talk to me!

"hey" he whispered, i stared at my book "my names Ben, whats your name?" he asked regularly as the class became alittle bit louder.

"Flora" i admit not looking at him.

"cool, how did you get to this school?" his questions were getting annoying, luckily the slut ,Brandy, came and sat on his desk

"hey" she said in her "sexy" voice and leaned towards him trying to show him her double D size boobs...i wanna gag

"hey" he smirked.

ding dong! ding dong! thank god! saved by the bell! i quickly put my book back in my bag and ran out to my art class, the class i couldnt wait to go to!

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