Story Telling and Kisses

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A/N: He's wearing this outfit^

"Alright, if I'm going to play doctor, you need to show me how you looked before your eating disorder." Ethan said, walking into my room, fixing his grey tuque.

The early morning light shined on his face as he sat on my bed.

It was the next day and Ethan is more than excited to help me.

"I was a chubby one for sure." I said, behind him after I shut the door. "My sister was always the pretty one."

He turned and glared at me before relaxing his face. "Okay, rule number one: Stop comparing yourself to your sister." Pointing a finger at my face. "And I need to see a reference. Like a picture of you before you started starving yourself."

I sat next to him on my bed, looking through my bedside when I found some pictures and Polaroids. I find a picture of my sister and I at a carnival, ice cream in our hands. Both smiling.

I hand him the picture and once he looks at it, a smile immediately appears on his face.

"You're so adorable." He said in awe. "You and your sister do not look like twins."

"We're fraternal." I explained, tucking a hair behind my ear.

He nodded his head and flipped through the picture and he landed on a Polaroid of me on the beach. My stomach immediately drops.

He smiles as he stared at the picture. That was the weekend that my anorexia began. I was wearing my bikini but I had a see-through shirt on and I was smiling at some guys playing volley-ball. My sister took that picture on her new Polaroid camera.

But that day, someone pointed out that my sister's tummy was tight and I had a belly, saying how the fact that we're twins, we should look the same. After that, I refused to gain anymore weight.

"Stop smiling. Why're you smiling so much at this picture? You've been staring at it for hours now." I exaggerate, shifting on my bed, my self-conscious kicking in.

He's laughing because of your body.

You should have been born like Marilyn, skinny.

"You look absolutely stunning in this." He said to himself but quickly looked up as he realized what he just said. "I-I mean. Did I say that out loud?" he mumbled to himself.

My heart flutters and I blush. "You can keep it." I offered, rubbing my arm up and down.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded. "Well perfect, i'll just keep this in my wallet until you reach this weight." He said putting it in his pocket.

"For research purposes, o-obviously." He stuttered, looking down blushing.

I shook my head and giggled at his awkwardness.

He smiled, leaning towards me. "Okay, breakfast time."

"You have half an hour in here." Dr. Oliver told us, walking towards the exit of the room. "I trust you, Dolan. No funny business." She playfully glared at him.

"Don't worry, doc. I'll get her back in shape in no time. I might even take your job." He joked.
She rolled her eyes.

"Maybe when you grow up, kid." Was all she said before she closed the door.

We were in one of the rooms of the hospital. This was for one on one counselling for eating disordered patients and Ethan wanted Dr. Oliver to allow us to use it so that I wouldn't be distracted and/or someone would interrupt.

Once the door closed, he looked at our plates. His plate had blueberry pancakes and ham while mine barely had any eggs.

He then looked up at me and pulled out a cue card.

To The Boy with Hazel Eyes; e.dWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt