The beginning

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Everyone goes through it at some point in their lives. 1/3 Americans will develop a problem with their mental health.

Whether that's OCD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, the list can unfortunately go on.

But with this statistic, only few go to treatment. The others? Suffer quietly in hope that it'll go away, or that they can live with it.

That was me. Until I reached my limit.

"We have a 17 year old female, around 5'5, low body fat percentage, curly brown hair..." said the person, I'm assuming a doctor, that's currently wheeling me into the hospital.

My eyes lazily open and close as they roll me through the corridors. Let me tell you, it feels like I'm in a movie.

Everything was blurry, the doctor's voice is fading, the bright lights from the hospital's ceiling lamps, and well, that's what happens when you trigger a seizure.

You might be thinking that this is going to ruin my life. Well, that's what I thought leading up to me ending up in the mental health institution. Because little did I know, the doctors won't heal me, he will.

To The Boy with Hazel Eyes; e.dWhere stories live. Discover now