How They Comfort You

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Drew: Drew would always try to comfort you the only way he really knew how. He would always cuddle you and let you know how much he loved, whispering sweet nothings into your ear you until you fell asleep.

Chance: Chance usually would hug you for hours upon hours to much you feel better. You always loved how warm his hugs were and it always helped when he would kiss you as well as cuddles.

Michael: Michael would usually bring you a lot of ice cream and candy. He knew how much you loved sweets. You both would lay in bed eating ice cream and cuddling all day. Sharing a few kisses every now and then.

Sergio: Sergio knew how upset you could get so he'd usually try to take your mind off it with something as simple as a pillow fight or tickling you and making funny jokes. In the end you'd both be cracking up laughing.

Brady: Brady always thought he wasn't very good at comforting you but actually he was the best. He would cuddle you and kiss you everywhere on your body, making you feel loved.


Please let me know how these preferences are! I would really appreciate some feedback, loves!

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