10 {It's All Coming Back to Me Now}

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Marcel was there and he plunged the white oak stake into Mikael. Mikael clutched the end of the stake and then he looked to Freya before he collapsed to the earth, but he did not immediately become ash. 

Marcel looked to see the piles of ash everywhere and a tear escaped his eye. He knew Rebekah was one of them. Klaus and Elijah and Kol... Freya put a hand on his shoulder and explained what they needed to do.

Freya walked over to Edie's lifeless body and clutched the moonstone and began chanting. She had to keep her promise to Edie.

"You want me to do what?" Freya questioned her. Edie pulled out a ripped page from their mother's grimoire she had stolen.

"Put my soul into this pendant, this way the four girls' power can be consecrated and once I pay back my debt to the ancestors for what I've done then find my soul in here and let Kol know I'm in here, and I'm waiting for him."

Freya continued chanting and Keelin gripped Freya's shoulders and then Marcel came up next to them. Once Freya had completed the spell, she nodded to Marcel.

He took a deep breath and then lit Edie's body on fire. As she burned, the eerie silence fell over them. Marcel turned away and looked to the moon. He heard Freya move and hug Keelin. He walked over to the pile of ash with a gold chain glimmering and he knew this was her. His Rebekah.

Freya quickly stopped cloaking Hope and Hayley ushered her to the center of the lawn.

"Okay, sweetie, are you ready? Let's make the supernatural wood work it's magic," Hayley whimpered. She couldn't bare the thought that this wouldn't work.

Hope could see her mother's distress and she placed her hand on Hayley's and comforted her. Hayley quickly squeezed Hope to her chest and then handed Hope the trinket box.

Hope started chanting and the box started shaking and black smoke starting rolling off of it onto the lawn and spreading amongst them towards the piles of ash. Soon, the smoke ceased and the night was still.

"That's it? Freya care to explain where the hell they are?" Marcel demanded.

Hope felt tears prick her eyes. It wasn't working and her father was dead. Hayley rubbed her shoulders and hushed her cries.

She assured Hope it was okay, but she couldn't even believe her own words. Her family was all gone.

Then four beams of light shown and the ash started to piece itself back together until four bodied formed and then red flames burned through and coughing followed.

They were alive. Hayley ran full force into the arms of Elijah and he just stroked her hair and smiled. They had done it.

Marcel quickly wrapped his jacket around Rebekah and enveloped her in his arms and she buried her face into his shoulder. Freya quickly tossed her brothers clothes and as soon as he was dressed Klaus ran to his daughter and praised her brilliant magic. Hope just smiled into her father's embrace.

Then, they all look to see Kol staring at the only pile of ash that didn't piece itself back together.

Edie felt an odd sense of sadness. This was the man she wanted to spend the rest of her life with and she was gone. She couldn't help the tears that fell when she saw Kol's sadness. She can't believe she ever doubted him due to Mikael's malice. Knowing  she was dead, with this out-of-body experience, only made her feel less at peace to see the man she loved mourning her. She then felt the pull and knew Freya had done as she asked. The binding felt like a siren's call that she couldn't ignore as her soul was being summoned by the moonstone.

She didn't want to leave. She wanted to comfort him as he loomed over her, but she knew this was the only way to have even a chance at happiness later.

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