8 {Save Me from Myself}

Start from the beginning

Rebekah was speechless. She didn't know what to make of their speeches. But she knew her poor brother moping upstairs was not going to settle well with their conclusion. Kill her, but feel bad about it. Sounds very hypocritical and very much like something her family would do.

They remained silent until they heard a stir upstairs and Hayley was at Kol's door. He was breathing very heavily and he felt like he was burning up. Mikael was sending him a warning. 'Leave my witch alone' etched itself into the skin on his forearm and he came to meet his sibling's downstairs with Hayley at his heels.

His siblings inspected the mark and told Kol this meant stay away from Edie. He needed to for his own safety and possibly hers as well.

Kol didn't understand why his father would retaliate so late after his meeting with her. He didn't understand what had triggered him to do this until his eyes landed on the cup that he had given Edie this morning. The hazelnut aroma still faintly lingering on the lid. 

He imagines the worst and lunges at his brother.

"Nik, what have you done? You vile monster, I swear if I find out you so much as displaced a single hair on her head, I will rip off your head and offer it to father as a means of exchange!"

Elijah stood between them and Rebekah yanked on Kol's arm to get him to back away.

Klaus explains he has done nothing, that she is alive and well and that Edie gave this to him as a gift. Kol shouts that he is lying and he needs to go see her. Elijah tells him it is not safe. If father is sending death threats then he knows about Kol and Edie's relationship so, if Kol were to go to her now, it would only give their father ample opportunity to kill him.

"I've already died once before, I don't mind doing it again, so long as I know she is safe so, take your hands off me, Elijah!"

The bickering and shouting had reached Hope in her room. She removed the headphones playing loud music that her mother usually made her wear when something bad was happening. She quietly walked down the stairs and watched her father and uncle yell at each other with her other uncle, aunt and mother trying to tear them apart. 

She sees the takeaway coffee cup and is curious. There is a magical essence about it that draws her towards it. She picks it up and inspects it, but there is nothing special about it. Then she opens up and inside the tea leaves spell a message.

"Put them together?" Hope questions aloud.

The bickering immediately stops and they all eye Hope with the coffee cup in her hand. She walks to her father and hands him the cup and then quickly hugs her mother's side.

Klaus reads the message and doesn't quite understand. Then Kol picks up the cup and can't understand what it means either, but then he smells the chamomile above the hazelnut.

"Rebekah, do you remember exactly what herbs Edie gave you when she met with you in my room?"

"Sage and dogwood, I think, why?"

Kol explains that when he studied Kemiya in Arabia that they would mix chamomile, dogwood and sage to cloak one from their enemies should it be bound with your own blood.

They all share a look and then gather the 'gifts' that Edie had given them during their encounters.

Elijah sets his handkerchief down and they unfold it to find nothing, but upon further inspection they split the seems and inside is spell written in haste that can bind a witches power and hinder even the most immense power.

Finally they look at the trinket box she had purchased in the Quarter. There is nothing inside, no spell engraved in it.

"She bought it from a Vietnamese witch in the Quarter and sadly they spoke in Vietnamese so I have no idea what it is," Kol recounts.

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