If Heaven And Hell Decide [] 9

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"Why is everything I do wrong?"
         –not me

Your mother took the huntress on a tour of the Citadel for the time being, giving a short summary as to what had gone on during her absence. You weren't being forced to tag along, thank goodness. You had to deliver the Bots their energon, and information to help them escape as well. And you did! Unfortunately, you had to make it quick and subtle so the entire thing was completely inconspicuous and unnoticed by Soundwave.

Luckily, all these things had run nice and smooth, and you were free to do whatever. This made you happy, as your lack of free time allowed you to absorb more information from the ever-growing database. Soundwave had even shown his gratefulness for such a genius child helping him with all his tedious work the other Decepticons never bothered to do or assist him with. Not that he'd need it anyway. His thankfulness made made you feel that rare sort of happiness in your chassis. It was always a welcomed feeling.

Your down time was cut short though, much to your dismay, by a miraculous find over on Cybertron! You had yet to know what it was though, as the vehicon who'd sprinted to your room only said your creator was in need of you. For what, you'd wanted to ask grumpily. The soldier had run out of their before you were able to ask any questions at all. How rude!

You sped towards the throne room in your motorcycle mode, and a less than excited mood. You wouldn't complain on account of it being your villainous mom, but she never called you over unless it was necessary. Though, necessary usually meant showing you off because you were the first sparkling born since the war started, and having you explain things she was too lazy to do herself. Basically, you were unnecessary, but you proved your semi-worth to Omega enough to have her keep you around. She needed an heir, and you had to act like one! Or else she'd probably just take advantage of one of the Autobot mechs in the dungeon, or even a Decepticon subordinate to give her the bump she wanted for an heir she could mold to believe what she does.

"Ah, Y/N, you're here! I'd like you to meet a very special mech." The Queen told you, turning to face your transforming figure. Once back in your bipedal mode, you looked upwards to see the tall, purple cyclops you'd been called over for. You'd heard about him before, and he seemed less threatening than Airachnid did, so that would be nice.

"Shockwave," you nodded in greeting, "welcome to new and improved Decepticons."

   "How'd you find him?" You whispered to Omega. The two of you were watching him greet the new Queen of the Insecticons and the medic, as well as Soundwave. It was going quite well for such drastic personalities.

   "It wasn't me, it was Knockout. He was searching for a nice place to start the construction for the Insecticon hive to reside in, when they suddenly stumbled upon the scientist." She told the short story like it was a tall tale. Yes, the murder of Starscream and your sire had been explained to him. And he found it surprisingly logical.

   "Thinking logically, as he does, you're gonna make him head of your science department, correct?" You inquired, activating your tablet. She made an mm-hm noise and nodded her helm, continuing to watch her subordinates interact. You pressed a few buttons on it and typed on a few documents, adding the changes to the agenda.

   "Are we going to show them the prisoners, or no?" You asked, pausing. You glanced up at her, in which she replied with a crooked smirk.

   "Of course dearest," your creator laughed, "but relax, I'll have some drones do it instead. I need you to go on Cybertron later to help oversee some of the construction, as well as document a few things for the historical record." You nodded, typing a few more things down before shutting the device off. You silently hoped the Autobots would make it out by then, and also that they could continue on without their beloved Prime.

   Sometimes, you wished your mother hadn't killed him. You dreamt that the Bots won and you grew up with a better family, with Optimus as a sort of parental figure. Maybe Arcee too, since she was the only other two-wheeler you'd ever met. Ratchet was the grumpy uncle, Bee and Smokey were loving siblings, and Bulk was a kind, older brother. You shook your helm wildly, as if that would clear up your processor. There was no use dwelling on the past, especially since you didn't have ability to make a difference.

   Suddenly, the alarms went off! Your optics widened in surprise, and you and Omega whipped your helms around to find two vehicons rush up to you. The panted, gasping for the breaths they didn't actually need.

   "The Autobots are escaping, your majesty!" The first drone alerted your creator.

   "They're going to the control room for a ground bridge!" The second one shouted in distress.

   "Well then, why don't you go take care of it!?" The Queen yelled in their faceplates. "I will be down shortly." The soldiers nodded and ran off to attempt to keep the Bots at bay. She turned to Shockwave and the others, asking them with a mischievous smirk, "Anyone want to join me?"

   I should've asked for their comm! I'm such an idiot, you cursed yourself. You watched them leave to fight, while you transformed and drove in the opposite direction. You had to make sure the other Cons weren't able to catch them.

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