Just Our Hands Clasped So Tight [] 7

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   "Forget me, I'm not worth it."
A depressing soul

"Uh oh! Lil N/N is being forced to feed the poor Autobots!" One of the vehicons taunted you with a maniacal laugh. You did your best to shut them out, but the group of bullies persisted to pick on you.

"What's next? You gonna scrub the floors?" The second one laughed.

"Ooh! Or maybe Omega's pedes?!" Cackled the third. The all snickered simultaneously. You grimaced, and continued to ignore them while carrying the bundle of energon cubes out of the room. Unfortunately, they decided it was a great idea to follow you down to the cells where you kept the prisoners.

Currently, you were residing in New Cybertron, the captital building of her new empire on the recently cyberformed Earth. The Bots were also being kept here while your mother oversaw the beginning of construction for the landing pads. She would also be using the Omega Keys to bring the cities back to their original form. Now, it was up to Soundwave to keep things in order while she was away. Knockout would be with her as to take care of injuries that may come in the process of building.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" You shot back at them. It wouldn't shut the three up, but it would get your point across. You were unable to use your blasters against them as you walked towards the elevator. Stupid energon!

"Nope! This is the best thing we could be doing!" The second one cheered. Your rolled your optics as you strained to use your right servo to tap the down button. The double doors opened, and you walked in and faced towards the doors. The three stooges followed you in before the doors closed, and the elevator descended towards the prison below. The first vehicon made fun of your alternate mode and paint job, the second soldier continued to pick on your assigned job, and the third laughed at how you were lower than a human.

Too say the least, it was annoying. But you were quite accustomed to being the laughing stock of the millennia. After all, history did tend to repeat itself. After what seemed like an eternity, the elevator finally reached the very bottom floor that was far underneath the ground. You could here the bullies snicker behind you as the automatic doors opened and you stepped out, going down a short hallway before reaching another doorway.

"Here! Let me get that for you." The first Con said. They politely tapped in the code to open the door and motioned for you to walk in. You shrugged naively and walked in, about to step onto the first step of the small staircase, when one of them grabbed your waist with their servos! The cubes were flung from your arms, and you were thrown across the room, only to land in a stack of metal crates. The door to the dungeons slammed close with the Cons' loud, mischievous laughter growing softer behind it.

"Hey hey hey, let me out!" You cried angrily, transforming into your motorcycle alt momentarily to charge at the door. You banged your fists on it like the humans had done against their tiny death chambers, but nobody let you put. The Autobots stared at you in surprise. You just sighed and turned around, mumbling curses under your breath whilst picking up the energon cubes. You wiped off some of their collected grime onto your armor before handing one to every captive.

"Sorry you had to see that." You apologized with a huff, handing over the last cube to Ratchet. "Then again, you've probably seen much worse." You attempted to call Soundwave, but you were only met with the frustrating sound of static. The impact of your fall had probably damaged your comm link. Guess the Bots would be having a guest for a little while, at least till the silent mech realized you'd disappeared.

"Stuck with us, huh kid?" Bulkhead muttered. He took a long, grateful sip of the fresh energy you'd supplied.

"It's Y/N, not kid. But yeah. I'm less appreciated than humankind was." You grunted, glancing back at the exit. Your words were like a punch to the gut for him, Bumblebee and Arcee. Your optics widened at the flashbacks you realized you'd just given the three, and quickly tried to correct your behavior with another apology. "Oh, right. I'm sorry 'bout that too."

[Why are you so nice? I mean, I know you're a kid and all, but Cons aren't usually nice.] Bee asked through his usual clicks and whirs.

   "No kidding." Smokescreen added, gulping his energon down greedily. Some was still dripping from his intake when he finished. Gross. You returned your attention back to the scout and his question, giving an honest shrug as you climbed up on top of one of the many crates and took a seat.

   "Trust me when I say my mother didn't exactly raise me to be the worst person. Or raise me at all, really." You scoffed. You hugged your shirt legs to your chassis, letting a few of the memories slip past your mental walls. The reply brought a few more questions to their processors, but they could tell it was as touchy a topic as the Prime and their human companions.

   "You know any way we can get out of here?" Bulk asked with a glimmer a newfound hope in his optics. You were about to say something when Ratchet interrupted you.

   "What's the use?! We're all going to die anyways." The medic grumbled sadly. He was just about as quick to lose hope as you, you noticed.

   "Actually, you're being sold into slavery to the highest bidder, but that's not the point." You corrected the elder mech. "Listen, I'm sorry about your friend. I wasn't able to do anything about it, though that's how it usually ends up at the end of the day. But I can help you! I'll be back tomorrow with some information, show you some ways out, and we'll pretend nothing ever happened after this."

   "What about you?" Arcee inquired. You shrugged again, hearing the sudden sound of the dungeon's doors opening. What took you so long, Soundwave? Besides, whose idea was it to not have a password lock on the back of the door?

   "I'll be fine," you answered tiredly, hopping off the crate. "I have some things to take care of here anyways."

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