"My name is Suit, follower and devoted servant to the beautiful Fire Tenkou, the instructor you know as Miss Burns," he answered with a butler like bow. "It is an honor to be in the presence of not one, not two, but three Tenkous at once." he rose. "I am truly lucky today."

"Burns..." Titania knew the name well. "Our teacher?"

"Quite, you may know her as your instructor of providing your human brains with knowledge. However, she is my master." he answered.

"I don't care who you serve." Marko glared deeply. "I'll make sure you pay for hurting Shani."

He smirked. "With such anger, Marko Tenkou... it dulls that fair face of yours. Perhaps a chat over dinner would calm the unfortunate scowl you give?" he offered. She answered by throwing another ice shard, aiming for his chest. He sidestepped, effortlessly evading it.

"A denial akin to Slash's, one I am all too familiar with." he sighed as he pulled out the ice shard from his forearm. Oddly, there was no signs of blood on the shard or from his wound. All there was on his forearm was a small hole where it had struck him.

"Maybe a diplomatic approach shall convince you." he tossed the shard aside. The wound suddenly began to regenerate, repairing the tear on his black suit as well, much to the Tenkous' surprise.

They were brought to another when teleported from his spot to behind Marko in a blink of the eye. Before she could snap her neck back, he flicked his finger, sending a black shockwave that knocked her all the way to the end of the hallway, crashing into the portrait and creating a massive hole in the wall behind it as well as destroying the face of it.

As she attempted to stand, he teleported once again, appearing in front of her. "Do you surrender, Marko Tenkou?"

She angrily glared at him. "Not a chance!" she answered as she formed ice around her palms. She then launched an ice wave at him, freezing a small part of the walls and floor. He leaped backwards, slightly evading the attack.

She shot herself from the ground and threw a fist surrounded by a ball of ice at his face. He stepped forward, evading it by just an inch and sent his right elbow to her back, almost making her meet the ground, but she caught herself just before.

She instantly countered with a wide back kick to his chest. He placed forearms to block the attack, but he was pushed back to the wall, creating a small crater, and his arms froze in the process. Despite this, he continued to show no signs of pain.

"A lady such as yourself shouldn't be so violent." he said with a smirk. "Why must you be so aggressive? Then again, I like a woman who can fight."

"You're actions are as shallow as your flirting!" Marko barked.

He was slightly hurt by her words. "Why so serious, my little tigress?"

"All the reason I need is because you hurt Shani, you bastard!" she answered. "I won't allow anyone like you to walk away without teaching you a lesson!"

"And that is?" he asked, curious.

"No one lies a finger on my friends!" her answer shocked Shani.

She couldn't believe Marko would see her as a companion after all she had done to her. All of her actions had been for a single purpose, to cause her as much as pain as possible. Still she didn't show any sign of hatred towards her. She couldn't understand why she wouldn't.

Suit laughed as he flexed his arms, breaking ice on his forearms. "How amusing... you actually think a darkling could understand your feelings? We are empty, hollow beings who only want to fulfill our greatest desires. She doesn't care about you or your words. And neither do I..."

"You're wrong."

The shadows of the hallway escaped from the ground and latched onto him, binding his entire body. He looked at Shani, who was commanding the shadows.

"Excuse me?" he asked, attempting to break free, but to no avail.

"As I said, you don't understand me." Shani tighten the shadows, making the bones in Suit's body crack slightly. "Don't even begin to compare the two of us. Unlike you, I still hold a fair of my sanity." she looked at Marko. "Marko, I have decided to join your team."

"Y... You have?" Marko and Titania stood shocked.

"Don't think I have forgiven you however. One day, you and I shall due battle." she turned her attention to Suit. "You, on the other hand, die. Now. I'm tried of your existence."

She clenched her hand, commanding the shadows to crush his body. The sound of all the bones below his neck echoed throughout. His body slumped forward, his eyes lifeless. As soon as the shadows return to their spots, he fell to the ground, dead.

Sighing in relief, Shani reverted back to her normal state. Before she could, a dark laugh rang throughout the hallway, sending chills down the Tenkous' spines.

Suit's right arm rose, bones crackling. Then his left arm, both supporting his body up. "I didn't think you would try to kill me, my little puppy." he spoke, his voice deeper than before. "It pains me... truly..."

His bones continuously creaked as he slowly stood up. He rose like a zombie, his body slightly tilted. His body then straighten, a loud snapping sound gave out. He sighed in relief as he rubbed his neck.

"Well, that hurt." he said with a wry smile. "I really want to return the treatment you gave me, my little puppy... but I must return to my master."

He teleported, leaving the Tenkous alone in the damaged hallway to wonder how he was still alive as well as questioning his existence.

Marko TenkouWhere stories live. Discover now