I can't hate you.

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Dick Grayson walks around his apartment. More like stomping around his apartment.  Something was happening. Something he could not control.
No someone  he can't control.
Who was the red Hood? And how does he know everything about him?!
An ex love? Maybe but they never disliked him .... at least he didn't know any or remember.
Dick throws a cup against the wall glass breaks and a picture  frame falls off.  Dick rushes to the broken frame moving the glass off the picture of Jason Todd. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" he whispered to himself Trying to make sure the picture was okay. It was his favorite picture after all. You could light the whole building on fire and this picture would be the only thing he would run in for.
He hears foot steps behind him.
"How's life Treating you Dick? It's nice to know you still live close or even better you live"  red Hood looks at Dick and he See's the photo "who is that your boyfriend?"
"It's none of your business just leave me alone with my memory of him" Dick puts the photo on the side table.
"Did you love him?"
"You make it sound like I stopped" he smiled sadly to himself "not a minute goes by I don't think about him... I could be roaming the city at night and the slightest thing would remind me of him I can't breathe knowing that I couldn't save him and the worst part is dealing with the guilt so if your here to kill me just go ahead"
Dick paused he didn't hear anything and when he looked behind the red hood is gone.

Jason climbs though his apartment window he throws off the hood he was aggravated with himself. No matter what he did to himself he couldn't believe it.
He couldn't force himself to hate him.
Dick is at fault  he would force himself to believe. He could never hate him
Jason loves  Dick and it will never change.
Jason sinks against the wall.

just some sick game.(Jaydick)Where stories live. Discover now