"Okay, that's okay," she sighed. "I'll tell your Dad to buy a mug on the way home. Youngjae help him up."

I nodded, letting him take me upstairs to the bathroom. He sat me down on the toilet seat, and grabbed antiseptic wipes, cleaning my foot. "You don't-"

"Shush. I'm making myself useful," He snapped, continuing to wipe. I hissed quietly as he went over the cut, and a little more when he put the plaster on it. "you're an idiot."

"Cut the tsundere shit." I told him and he froze at the doorframe, staring at me. A couple seconds passed and he threw the used wipe at my face before walking away, leaving me screaming and writhing, with a slight smirk on my face.

That was when I pulled out my phone, replying to a couple of Jooheon's texts, my notifications back to their normal empty state. I stared at the screen until my vision began to swim, and then clicked on the messages app.

Kihyun 📸
Today 8:34am


kihyun 📸: heyyy dude

I'm sorry, Kihyun. Like truly.

I'm so sorry for just going awol on you, and I really hope you didn't blame yourself because it really isn't your fault.

kihyun 📸: at first I thought you just weren't interested. then that you were mad at me. and then I resorted to just giving you space, and thinking that you'll come back when you want to come back

kihyun 📸: I'm like,, oddly attached to you idk we've been speaking night and day for almost a month and a half now and I feel like you know me better than anyone right now, so I kept faith that you would come back and tbh I didn't care how long it took, I just wanted to know that you were okay.

*you sent a photo*


you mean so much to me wow

LIKE DOES IT JUST EVER BLOW YOUR MIND you were just the cute guy from the park now you're Yoo Kihyun, a precious bean

kihyun 📸: that's the changkyun I know and love 😂

kihyun 📸: now you better sit down and tune dem eyes (unless you're in school then tune dem eyes on THE BOARD) because quite a lot has been taking place in the last few days

spill, I'm at home. as Jeon Jungkook once said,
what's poppin


It was a dumb tradition, but after everything I had put my parents through, I decided to go along with it. I sat on the floor of the living room, lacing up my Vans as Doyoung opened the door to Jooheon. Jaeun was stood by the doorway, putting on her coat.

"Hey," my best friend approached me after I stood up again. "did you speak to him?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "it's all okay. He's fine."

"I'm glad. He sounded really worried when he spoke to me on the phone. But anyway, are you ready to throw up your last meal tonight?"

"Correction: it's always you who throws up and it isn't even because they feel sick, it's out of pure fear." I snorted and he frowned.

"That ride is scary, okay?" He hissed.

"Are you guys ready to go?" My Dad looked into the living room and we followed him out. It was only outside that we came across a girl, no older than Youngjae, walking alongside him.

"Did he pull?" Jooheon whispered.

"Somehow." I replied.

Today was the start of the annual fun fair at the park, and we'd always go as a family but once Jaeun met Doyoung, he began to tag along & I in turn invited Jooheon every year for the past two. This time Youngjae also brought someone, latched comfortably to his arm.

The eight of us walked through town to the park, and queued for a while up until we entered the park, the night then becoming a series of blurry memories of my laughter and Jooheon's terrified screams as we went on anything that took us over 5 feet off the ground.
Despite it being a silly family tradition, after spending the last week cooped up in my room rethinking over and over about the 1st of May 2016, i needed this. I needed to be outside, and to be laughing to the point I was gasping for air & screaming until my throat burned.
It felt like everything had fallen into place - however momentarily it was.

As the night drew to a close, we reached the huge Ferris wheel. My parents got on one booth together, Jaeun and Doyoung on one, Youngjae and Jisoo on another.

"Can I take this one alone?"

"Knock yourself out. I'm fine down here." He smiled, and I smiled back before climbing in.

It wasn't very big, and perhaps moved too fast, but the top took you over the tallest branches, giving a beautiful view of downtown. I took out my phone to snap a photo, but a text made me stop dead in my tracks.

Kihyun 📸
Today 9:07pm

Meet me outside the cafe near Sejong Uni tomorrow at 4:30.

HELLO I'm so sorry for going MIA but school and just life in general been getting in the way as usual but I'm so sorry I took so long and left y'all hanging bUT hopefully next chapter will make up for it 😊

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