The Story of Their Love

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OMG 1K views!!!! thank you guys soon much. I am off my writers' block so yay

Heres the story!!!!

Ino decided to visit Choji. Her gentle but strong teammate would surely know what had happened during her absence. Maybe here she would get to know what happened to Sakura, who had been so lively before they left. Knocking on the front door of Choji's house she waited until he opened the door.

Choji looked surprised down at Ino. "Seems your back ne?" he said and let her go inside. She smiled at him. "It is good to be back, but so much changed Choji. I can't even believe that Shika has a real girlfriend!" she said while hugging her friend.

Sitting down Choji smiled. "Yeah. He and Sakura are head over heels for each other. It's good to see them together."

"What are you saying?" asked Ino. Choji shook his head. "It's not my story to tell you. I'm sure Sakura would... Ah no, I'm sorry Ino. I would like to tell you the story." The blond looked slightly dejected at the idea that her best girl-friend wouldn't want to talk to her again, because of her selfish reasons to see the world.

"So Choji, let's start at the beginning. How did they get so close?"

The man chuckled while remembering. "You see after you left Sakura started to train like a maniac. I still don't know how she lived that long. Because of her training, the Hokage needed somebody else to run her errands and to do her paperwork, things she really doesn't like. Since it had to be somebody halfway intelligent, she hired Shikamaru. He did nothing but complain. Talking about watching clouds instead." They shared a laugh because that was so much like Shikamaru.

"It took half a year of complaining that Shizune had enough. Since Tsunade wouldn't want to have anything to do with it, cause then she would have to find somebody else again, Shizune went and searched for Sakura."

"She left the village?" asked Ino surprised. She never thought that Sakura would leave her beloved village.

"Of course not! She just wouldn't socialize with anybody. So Shizune asked her parents, but they told her to search through the woods since Sakura told them she would be there. But Shizune didn't have that much time so she asked people. Surprisingly it was Genma who told her where to find her much missed Sakura. She was currently training under Kurenai to perfect her Genjutsu since she had a natural talent for that one."

"So Kurenai was her teacher? But how did Sakura grew so cold? Emotionless? I can't really describe it." Choji looked at his hands that held the teacup his mother had brought them. "I will come to that, but surely you know that you hurt her really bad when you left without saying anything right?" he asked and watched as Ino looked away ashamed.

"So back to the story, Kurenai wasn't her only teacher but I will tell you about the other later on. So when Shizune finally found Sakura, she was sitting opposite Kurenai and looking at her with dead green eyes, but that wasn't the scary thing. The scariest thing was that Kurenai was withering on the floor panting, crying, and screaming.

Shizune as the medic she ran to her and looked for any injuries. Her healing chakra broke the spell and Kurenai sat up with some help, smiling at Sakura and telling her that there wasn't anything left to teach her. Shizune understood that..."

"Choji" interrupted Ino with a sight. "Just tell me how they met after we left." The boy laughed and continued at the desired point. "So Shizune brought Sakura back. At that time she had already withdrawn herself from the world around her. Sakura marched into Shikamaru's office and cleared his table off all the papers. He groaned and murmured something about more work to do. This set her off and she shouted at him that he should get up his lazy ass and never complain so much again because if Shizune should ever complain about a headache again she would personally beat him so much that he couldn't even watch clouds!"

Choji laughed out loud, remembering the way Shikamaru had blushed when telling him that. Ino looked at him gaping. "Sweet Sakura threatened him? How the hell did they fall in love?"

"So you want to know about that first or about her journey to become strong?"

Ino looked thoughtful for a moment. If she asked for the love story, she would maybe get the same old love at first sight, but if she chose the journey for the strength she would feel inadequate. "The Lovestory!!!" she finally shouted and looked surprisingly very eager to hear it.

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