my f-shift 🌟

571 10 13

name: light.

pronouns: they/them.

zodiac: leo.

ethnicity: asian.

hair: black.

eyes: brown, but soon they'll be gray. (i'm doing the spell and asking the universe for gray eyes.)

skin: tanned.

body type: average.

style: i wear pastel colors/light colors.

ears: white, neko ears. they're just a few inches.

tail: a white, slim neko tail. (it has a mind of it's own, i swear.)

clothing: i wear mainly "feminine" clothing, such as dresses and skirts. that kind of thing. sometimes i'll wear pastel clothing, but it's more masculine. (such as a binder with a light button up shirt.)

"human" personality: according to my friends, i am a very caring person. i'll put others before myself (i agree with that) and i have potential to be something big. i'm supportive, loyal, friendly, creative, and an overall amazing person. (i love my friends so much.) i see myself as stubborn, but in a good way. i stick up for my friends and will fight for what i believe in. i see myself as a creator.

"mythical" personality: i'm very skittish, outgoing, and possessive. those are three traits of most cats. i tend to hold onto people/items and try to control them.

likes: i like pastel/light colors, cats (obviously), "scary" movies, writing, youtube, bands, art (although i'm not an artist myself), the color white, walking barefoot, nature, plants (specifically succulents), low budget movies, people who care about this planet, space (a biggie), books, fanfiction, pillows, blankets.

dislikes: i dislike loud noises, people who walk/drive slowly, feeling like i am annoying others, having no control, racists/homophobes/transphobes, literally just rude people, leaving me on read.

fears: hospitals, the dark (i'm trying my best to overcome it), being alone, love.

hobbies: writing, creating, being lazy as hell.

dream: to become an author, attend my dream college, help others.

flaws: i care too much about others, i tend to get anxiety over the little things, i can't focus well, i hate myself (but i'm learning to love myself).

abilities: i can communicate with cats and most animals, i can use mother nature and her resources, i can crack codes (with the help of others), i think i might be a little psychic, and i can survive long periods of time without proper nourishment (longer than any "human").

journal of a non-human (neko) 🌟Where stories live. Discover now