feline therian information 🌟

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types: tigers, house cats, panthers, lynxes, jaguars, wildcats, lions, bobcats, etc. 

traits: remember, this is general. like humans, we have distinct personalities that are different from everyone else. i've collected information through tons of websites (i'll link them) and through other mythicals.

in general, cat therians can be sarcastic, snippy, and have a shit ton of attitude. sudden movements make us tense and want to attack, defense, or pursuit. i know, for me, that happens a lot. we're also really, really possessive. we can scare others, depending if we look more intimidating that we actually are.

have you ever heard of the "feline five" personality traits? they're skittish, outgoing, friendly, spontaneous, and dominate. for me, i tend to be really skittish and spontaneous. i'm definitely not a dominate person, but i'm really possessive towards people. i use to see it as a weakness, but now i know it's just a trait of my feline soul.

body language, specifically for house cat therians: blinking slowly shows that a cat loves and trusts someone. since reading that, i've done more researching about the body language of cats so i can mimic it. cats will also stare to challenge their owner or another cat.






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