strange calls 🌟

710 12 16

hey guys, so recently i've been getting some weird calls. i'll log them below. by the way, it isn't illegal to "share" these numbers since they don't lead to anything.

9/6/17: so around the end of school, i received a call from +1 (334) 600-2492. i've never seen this number before, and was kinda weirded out. i called back the number, but it just makes that strange beep beep beep sound. have you guys received a call like this?

9/14/17: this happened around nighttime. i got a call from +1 (323) 319-3984, which wasn't strange. it became strange when i answered the call, and the only noise on the other end was silence. i may be making a big deal out of this, but when i called the number back, it made the beep beep beep noise!

and then earlier today, i got a call from the same number. i answered it again, to see who it was, and the SAME EXACT THING HAPPENED! honestly, i'm a bit scared.

does anyone know what's going on? is this a hunter trying to psych me out?

journal of a non-human (neko) 🌟Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora